7 Habits of Super Healthy People

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Your health is the most important thing in life, and it pays to take good care of it. Taking steps to improve your health will reduce your risk of chronic illness and boost your sense of wellbeing. The good news is, there are lots of simple things you can do to lead a healthier lifestyle. To inspire you, here are seven habits of super health people:

1. Go for a daily walk

Everyone knows the health benefits of regular exercise. Being active will help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of medical conditions like high blood pressure and type two diabetes. The health benefits of an active lifestyle are well documented, but following an exercise routine can be difficult, especially when you have a busy schedule. Going on a daily walk is an easy way to increase your activity levels and burn excess calories. It will also encourage you to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. Research has found that spending time in nature can benefit both your physical and mental wellbeing. Try to get into the routine of going for a walk in the mornings or on your lunch break. Even a quick 20-minute walk should make a difference in your health and mood.

2. Ditch processed foods

Modern society has seen an increase in processed and convenience foods. These foods are chemically processed and contain artificial ingredients and additives to extend their shelf life and make them tastier and more attractive. When you eat processed foods, you risk eating more than the recommended daily allowance of saturated fat, sugar, and salt. This will increase your likelihood of becoming obese or developing cardiovascular issues later in life. Ditching processed foods in favor of natural alternatives is a simple way to lead a healthier lifestyle and improve your health and wellbeing. Try to avoid or limit the number of ready meals, processed meats, and baked goods in your diet.

3. Do weekly meal prep

Doing weekly meal prep has loads of great benefits. One of the biggest advantages of meal prep is that it makes it easier to stick with a healthy diet and avoid convenient junk food. Planning your meals and cooking in bulk should also slash your grocery bills and could save you significant amounts of money over time. When you do meal prep, you will have tasty, healthy meals available during the week and won’t need to worry about planning meals or cooking every day. You can find loads of great meal prep ideas by searching online or reading food blogs. Set some time aside at the weekend to do your meal prep and make sure that you store food in airtight containers to keep it fresh. Most meals can be eaten safely for 4-5 days as long as they are stored correctly.

4. Make time to relax

Relaxation is a crucial element of a healthy lifestyle. Everyone experiences stress in their daily life due to work or family demands. Stress is a normal part of life, but you must find ways to unwind and deal with stress in a healthy way. A recent survey found that people are happiest when they have four to five hours of downtime a day. Use your downtime to socialize with family and friends, pursue hobbies and interests, or do other enjoyable activities that help you unwind after a busy day. You can also try using herbal products like CBD oil to help you relax. According to bloomandoil.com, one of the Top CBD Oil Benefits is relaxation and stress reduction. Using CBD-infused products may help you relax and improve your sense of wellbeing. However, there is not currently enough evidence to support the suggested health benefits of CBD oil.

5. Eat the rainbow

Eating the rainbow is a simple way to ensure that your body is getting all of the nutrients and minerals that it needs to support good health. Making a conscious effort to eat foods in different colors will improve the diversity of your diet and increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Here are some rainbow-colored fruit and vegetables that you should include in your diet:

  • Red – tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, beets
  • Yellow – lemons, pineapples, sweetcorn, yellow peppers
  • Orange – carrots, sweet potato, mangos, nectarines
  • Green – broccoli, spinach, avocado, green apples
  • Blue / Purple – blueberries, purple grapes, eggplant, figs

6. Drink more water

Drinking enough water is crucial to maintaining good health. Generally speaking, experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water each day. However, you may need to increase your intake if you do a lot of physical activity or live in a warm climate, for example. Drinking more water can bring about many health benefits, including weight loss, clear skin, and higher energy levels. You can boost your water intake by setting a daily goal and tracking how much water you drink during the day. Take a look at this article by Healthline for more tips to drink more water. 

7. Don’t skip breakfast

Many people are guilty of skipping breakfast. Missing your morning meal might not seem like a big deal, but it is a bad habit that can harm your health. When you wake up, your body needs fuel, and you should break your nighttime fast with a nutritious breakfast. Skipping breakfast can lead to low energy levels, poor mood, and higher calorie intake during the day. Despite this, studies have found that less than half of American adults eat breakfast daily. Give your body the energy it needs by eating a nutritious breakfast each morning. Some healthy breakfast options to try include oatmeal, overnight oats, fruit with greek yogurt, and wholegrain toast with egg whites. Many healthy breakfast options can be made the night before for a quick and convenient breakfast on the go.

Final thoughts

Leading a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult. There are countless ways to improve your health, and small changes can make a big difference long term. Adopting these habits will improve your health and wellbeing and help you enjoy a longer and more fulfilling life.