Elbow Punch: The Basics, Benefits, and Techniques

Martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts often rely on a variety of techniques to defend themselves and attack their opponents. One of the most effective techniques is the elbow punch, also known as the elbow strike or elbow smash. This technique involves using the elbow as a striking weapon to deliver a powerful blow to the opponent’s body.

In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of the elbow punch, the benefits of using it, and some popular techniques to execute it correctly.

The Basics of Elbow Punch

The elbow punch is a close-range strike that is executed using the sharp bony part of the elbow. It is a powerful technique that can be used to deliver devastating blows to the opponent’s face, chest, abdomen, and other vulnerable areas of the body.

The elbow punch is a versatile technique that can be used in various martial arts and combat sports, including boxing, Muay Thai, karate, and MMA. It is often used as a follow-up strike after a punch or a kick, or when the opponent is in close proximity.

The elbow punch can be executed with either the lead or rear elbow, depending on the situation. The lead elbow is the one closest to the opponent, while the rear elbow is the one furthest from the opponent.

Benefits of Using Elbow Punch

There are several benefits to using the elbow punch in martial arts and combat sports. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  1. Power: The elbow punch is a powerful technique that can deliver a lot of force to the opponent’s body. Because the elbow is a hard and dense bone, it can cause a lot of damage on impact, especially when delivered to vulnerable areas of the body such as the face or the solar plexus.
  2. Speed: The elbow punch is a fast technique that can be executed quickly and without much telegraphing. This makes it an effective surprise attack that can catch the opponent off guard.
  3. Close-range: The elbow punch is a close-range technique that can be used when the opponent is in close proximity. This makes it useful in situations where there is not enough space to execute other strikes such as punches or kicks.
  4. Versatility: The elbow punch can be used in various situations and from different angles. It can be used as a follow-up strike after a punch or a kick, or as a standalone technique.
  5. Defense: The elbow punch can also be used as a defensive technique to block incoming strikes from the opponent. By using the elbow to deflect the opponent’s punch or kick, the defender can create an opening for a counter-attack.

Elbow Punch Techniques

There are several elbow punch techniques that can be used in martial arts and combat sports. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Vertical Elbow Strike: The vertical elbow strike is a powerful technique that involves driving the lead elbow upward into the opponent’s face or chin. This technique is often used in Muay Thai and MMA.
  2. Horizontal Elbow Strike: The horizontal elbow strike is a technique that involves swinging the rear elbow horizontally into the opponent’s face or temple. This technique is often used in boxing and karate.
  3. Upward Elbow Strike: The upward elbow strike is a technique that involves driving the lead elbow upward into the opponent’s solar plexus or ribs. This technique is often used in MMA and self-defense situations.
  4. Downward Elbow Strike: The downward elbow strike is a technique that involves swinging the lead elbow downward into the opponent’s head or collarbone. This technique is often used in Muay Thai and self-defense situations.
  5. Spinning Elbow Strike: The spinning elbow strike is a technique that involves spinning the body and delivering a powerful elbow strike with the rear elbow to the opponent’s face or head. This technique is often used in MMA and Muay Thai.
  1. Diagonal Elbow Strike: The diagonal elbow strike is a technique that involves striking diagonally with the elbow into the opponent’s face, collarbone, or ribs. This technique is often used in self-defense situations.

When executing an elbow punch, it is important to follow proper form and technique to ensure maximum power and effectiveness. Here are some tips for executing an elbow punch correctly:

  1. Keep your elbow tight: When executing an elbow punch, keep your elbow tight to your body. This will help you generate more power and keep your balance.
  2. Use your body weight: To generate maximum power, use your body weight to drive the elbow punch forward. This will ensure that the strike is more powerful and effective.
  3. Strike with the point of the elbow: When executing an elbow punch, strike with the sharp point of the elbow. This will ensure that the strike is more powerful and focused.
  4. Aim for vulnerable areas: When executing an elbow punch, aim for vulnerable areas of the opponent’s body such as the face, chin, solar plexus, or ribs. This will ensure that the strike is more effective and can cause more damage.
  5. Practice regularly: Like any other technique, the elbow punch requires practice to master. Practice regularly to improve your form, technique, and power.


The elbow punch is a powerful and versatile technique that can be used in various martial arts and combat sports. By following proper form and technique, you can deliver a devastating blow to your opponent’s body, causing significant damage and creating openings for follow-up strikes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced martial artist, adding the elbow punch to your arsenal can greatly enhance your fighting abilities and give you an edge over your opponents.