Free Workouts for Men

free workouts for men“For the low, low price of $199.99, you too can have the ripped body that the cover model of this workout DVD set has!” Well, that’s nice, but not all of us have the disposable income to fling at people who are going to yell at us through our television. So, instead of paying for an expensive workout program that you’ll most likely quit within a week, check out some of these ideas for free workouts for men.

ALSO: A 20-Minute Workout That Really Works

No, not the internet sensation of lying like a board in random places but the actual workout. Get into the push-up position but rest on your forearms. Then, push your body up and hold that position, keeping your body as straight as possible. This is one of the best abdominal exercises, and the more you do it, the longer you’ll be able to hold that position. Repeat this exercise as often as you can throughout your workout.

Running is something man has done for as long as he’s been able to stand. Sure, sometimes it’s for survival reasons, but no matter how you slice it, running is a great all-around workout. It’s also one of the quickest ways to drop the bulk of your weight.

The Classics
Never underestimate the classic free workouts for men: push-ups and sit-ups. Push-ups will strengthen your arms and chest, and sit-ups will make the ladies stare at your stomach for hours. These exercises have been around forever because they’ve always worked.

ALSO: How to Revamp Your Exercise Routine