Dog Butt Looks Like Jesus Christ In A PHOTO

dog butt jesus meme funny
As users of the Internet, it’s a rare occasion when we avoid memes. People like Reddit user Feature_Creature and artist Jessica White make it that much more difficult, because they have anointed us with a fairly unorthodox meme. In 2011, the Reddit user revived the meme by posting a picture of his pug’s behind, with what seemed to be an image of Jesus’ face, arms, and robe. Is it photo-shopped? We don’t know, but I sure hope not. Is it the second coming of Christ? Who knows.

In 2011, the Reddit user revived the meme by posting a picture of his pug’s behind, with what seemed to be an image of Jesus’ face, arms, and robe. Is it photo-shopped? We don’t know, but I sure hope not. Is it the second coming of Christ? Who knows. Dog Butt Jesus was originally founded in 2006 by White when she posted a picture of her dog’s rear end with a similar image of JC.

Is a coincidence that this association has been made more than once? Some think it’s a hoax, but who are we to question the working of a higher power? Since the meme’s revival in 2011, people have been going all proctologist on their dog’s ass to see if there  pooch carries the stigmata. Others simply find the meme disturbing. Finding an image of Jesus on a piece of toast or in a swirl of marble is quite different than looking up your dog’s ass to find God.

Unfortunately, like all good memes, they die too young. Dog Butt Jesus has taken rest in the meme graveyard and failed to revive itself three days later. Neither Feature_Creature nor Jessica White have responded to questions or comments about their miraculous findings, which is pretty understandable considering most people have more important things to do than answers questions about their dog’s butts. Hopefully the pups are doing well, and who knows, maybe the meme will be revived once more if Jesus decides to show himself via a dog’s backside again.

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