11 Useful Home Remedies Every Guy Should Know

upset stomach home remedies

The Remedy: Peppermint (again)
Peppermint has been known to improve just about all symptoms of common IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). However, it can worsen the symptoms of heartburn by relaxing the sphincter that prevents acid flow into the esophagus. So, if you’re feeling a little reflux, steer clear.

The Remedy: Ice
Place ice (or another cold item, such as a key ring, or your ex-girlfriend’s heart) on the back of your neck. The jolt of cold will constrict some blood vessels, and could stop your nosebleed faster.

The Remedy: Honey
It won’t work on herpes, but a rub of raw honey at the onset of a cold sore can decrease the inflammation and prevent the thing from going out of control. Makes it taste better, too.