A History of CB Radio: The Early Days and How It Changed the World


CB or Citizens Band radio is a unique communications medium, which was created in the 1960s. It was heavily influenced by the military use during the war in Vietnam. As many men were drafted and sent to fight, the number of CB users spiked with civilian interest in radio communication. CB’s operate on the 27 MHz Radio frequency band between 26.965 and 27.405 MHz with a channel space of 40 channels plus a channel 9 for local/ emergency traffic. There is no license requirement, and all radios are sold as General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) where the power output is restricted to 4 watts.

While most CB operators are hobbyists with a home installation, mobile installations have become more popular, as they can give greater distance from other signals.

Buildings can be seen and heard after walking only a few blocks away from the base station

The CB revolution

The CB radio was a true game changer for a number of reasons. At first, it was a novelty item and anyone who owned one could use it for free. However, the FCC soon realized how these devices could be used for nefarious means and there were rules put in place that made them expensive to own and operate.

However, even after the FCC regulated them, the devices continued to evolve and new companies entered the market, such as Cobra and Midland. Here’s an example of a great CB radio collection here www.walcottradio.com/cb-radios-c-377_502_583.html

CB Radio Changed the Way We Communicate

With its easy accessibility to anyone who wanted to communicate without having to obtain an expensive license or pass any tests, CB radio quickly became popular among hobbyists as well as professional users such as truckers, police officers, firefighters, farmers, fishermen, emergency service personnel and military personnel all over the world.

It allowed them to communicate with each other instantly over long distances without having to rely on traditional forms of communication such as landlines or even more expensive satellite phones. It also enabled them to keep in touch with their families while they were away from home.

CB radios made it possible to talk to people from all over the world.

Before the internet , people communicating with others in other regions would have had to hire a courier to take their messages and would then have had to wait for a response.Now , with CB radios, communication was quick and easy, making conversation possible between people in different countries.

CB radios made it possible to talk to people from all over the world.Before the internet , people communicating with others in other regions would have had to hire a courier to take their messages and would then have had to wait for a response.Now , with CB radios, communication was quick and easy, making conversation possible between people in different countries.

CB Radio Redefined the Trucking Industry

The use of CB radios by truckers opened up a whole new world of communication. Because of this, a surplus of new truckers and trucking businesses were created, which, in turn, helped redefine the industry.

CB Radios Made it Easier for Teens to Communicate

Since teenagers could legally drive at an early age, many were suddenly finding that they had more freedom than they knew what to do with.

CB radios made national news coverage accessible to everyone

Before the advent of the internet, newspapers were the only source of news available to those outside of big cities and even then, they weren’t always reliable.

Taking national news coverage online meant that everyone, no matter where they were, had access to the latest happenings in their country and around the world .