How to Reduce Muscle Pain Post Work Out

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Staying in good shape is essential to most people, and regular exercise is hugely beneficial for both physical and mental health. Pushing yourself to new limits is an excellent way to build both cardio and muscle strength, but it can be easy to push yourself too far. If you’re new to working out, don’t try to keep up with others who are regulars at the gym. You must ease yourself into exercise, allowing your body to gradually increase its tolerance for more intense exercises and your muscles to adapt. A lot of people throw themselves into strict exercise routines only to find their body aches all over the next day.

However, muscle aches and pains can occur even if you do exercise regularly, but there are a few methods you can use to help reduce this.

CBD Products

There is still research going into the effects of CBD used in fitness, but previous studies suggest that it has anti-inflammatory qualities that help to ease muscle pain. It also helps to relax the muscles, which can help reduce the pain even further. CBD can also help to promote better sleep, which your body will need to recover during the night as you rest. It’s a natural alternative to other over the counter pain relief medication such as ibuprofen, which is why some people prefer to use it. Places like these Colorado marijuana dispensaries will be able to advise you on their products and how they can help you with a variety of issues, including fitness-based ones.


Before you begin your work out, remember to stretch! A lot of people forget to do this or think it isn’t necessary if they’re just going for a run or elliptical trainer. While these exercises may not be as intense on your muscles, you can still get micro-tears and strain them when doing this kind of work out. Always do some basic stretches before you start to help your muscles prepare for the next exercise and to reduce the chance of injury.

Warm Down

Once you have completed your work out, don’t just stop abruptly. If you do this, you might notice more muscle aches and pains the following day. Slowly reduce the intensity of your exercise to reduce the chance of stiffness. For example, if you have been sprinting or running, slow down and walk gently for five minutes. You must allow your muscles to adjust to the change in pace to expel the lactic acid that is produced during your work out, which is what causes the soreness you feel the next day. You can also do some additional stretches after exercise as a warm down if you would prefer.

Ice Packs

This might not seem very appealing – no one appreciates the freezing shock of ice on their skin! However, this method has been used by athletes all over the world for years. These are best used when there has been a muscular injury sustained during your exercise, as it can help to reduce the inflammation around the area. If you notice swelling and there is the sensation of heat, this is an indication that you have injured yourself, in which case take an ice bath or apply an ice pack for ten to fifteen minutes.


 A deep tissue or sports massage can be an effective method to help relieve muscle pain. Although at first, it might be slightly painful due to the tenderness of your muscles, it does help to relax the tighter ones in your body and soothe them after an intense workout. You will feel incredible afterward and most likely will be wanting to book another one!

Warm Bath

While ice packs are better suited for injuries, warm baths are useful in helping general muscle aches that are a result of vigorous exercise. It can help to boost your blood circulation and relax tight muscles. There are bath salts and soaks that are said to help with muscle pain too, but it’s more likely that the warm water helps the most. However, the pleasant scents that these soaks give off will only add to the relaxing atmosphere for you to enjoy.

It’s essential to take part in regular physical activity to maintain good health. If you have recently decided to join a gym, don’t get put off if you’re feeling sore after your workouts. Just remember to ease yourself into it and build up your strength. If you’re experiencing muscle pain after your workouts, consider trying one or some of these methods to help ease your discomfort.