Practical Tips to Keep Your Spine Strong and Healthy

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Aging comes with many changes in your body. First and foremost, your skin starts to sag, and your organs do not function as well as they used to. Similar is the case for your bones that become weak after the 40s. 

But many individuals still enjoy their bucket list of adventurous activities in their 50 or 70s—the sole reason being staying active and taking care of their health. You can keep your bones and muscles healthy by eliminating lazy hours at home and replacing them with some activity.

While everyone spends most of their day facing their laptops, their spine is greatly affected. Posture becomes hunched faster if you ignore your posture and spine health. 

Even before age, many youngsters suffer from back aches and slouched posture that is just wrong, and you should look after your spine before it is too late.

This article will show some easy yet effective ways to keep your spine healthy and strong. Let’s dig right into it!

Maintain your Posture

If you have seen historical shows or real-life royal families, they have the perfect posture with backs as straight as arrows. That makes them look confident and elegant and keeps their spine healthy and strong.

In this era of computers and technology, everyone has their heads buried in their laptops or mobile phones while straining their necks. Such habits are detrimental to your spine health. You are suffering from neck, shoulder, and back pain even in your 20s. 

You should pay attention to your posture while doing any activity. Avoid slouching and keep your spine upright when you sit down to work. You can use laptop stands or tables to adjust your position to meet your eye level. 

Let’s take measures to get beautiful yet strong backs like the models. 

Keep Up with Exercise

Have you felt muscle pain in your back while trying to sit up straight? That is because your lower back muscles are not strong enough to support your spine. These muscles suffer the most with your bad posture and lack of activity.

Consider adding extensor muscle strengthening exercises to your routine. Stretching practices are the best to relieve your spine pain. But to build up the core and back muscles, you should start yoga or pilates.

It is better to contact the experts in each area and join the studios for yoga or pilates, but you can do it at home by watching different training programs online on youtube or other social platforms. 

Avoid Heavy Lifting

Sometimes you can pull muscles or, worse, dislocate your vertebrae while lifting something heavy or doing strenuous weight-lifting exercises. It does not mean stopping your workouts but raising as much weight as safe.

It is also good to do these exercises with guidance from your fitness trainer. If you have a weak back that sometimes aches, consider doing muscle-strengthening exercises instead of weight lifting.  

Eat Healthily

Diet plays a massive role in maintaining your muscles and overall health. Consider adding plant-based Proteins to your diet instead of animal-based proteins. Foods like chia seeds, beans, and lentils are excellent sources.

A plant-based diet also provides many antioxidants, fibers, and vitamins. Also, Don’t say no to greens. Some Veggies can help heal spinal issues, like kale, broccoli, spinach, etc. 

The Omega 3 fatty acids from salmon and other fish are miraculous to your spine health. Besides, if you are not lactose intolerant, cheese, milk, or yogurt are excellent sources of calcium to feed your bones and keep them strong.

Make Regular Visits To Your Doctor

Keeping track of your health through regular checkups is vital yet ignored by many. Taking painkillers or supplements from a nearby pharmacy or online platforms like can help your spine ache. But You should pay regular visits to your doctor if you have persistent back pain. 

Let’s not let our spine age faster than ourselves!