Recovering from Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile dysfunction or ED happens when a man finds it hard to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. This condition is more widespread than most men are willing to admit. There are men who are still in their late 20s or early 30s who are already starting to experience symptoms of ED.

This health issue can be caused by a variety of factors. In this article, we explore the possible causes of ED and the treatments that correspond to each cause.

Low Levels of Testosterone

Testosterone is arguably among the most important hormones in a man’s body. It plays important roles in several physiological functions such as muscle growth or repair, hair growth, concentration and focus, and the maintenance of healthy energy levels. This hormone also has roles in sexual drive and arousal.

If ED is caused by lower than normal levels of testosterone, the inability to get and stay hard could be due to lack of interest in sex. Without the hormone to elicit sexual interest, the reproductive system cannot respond in favorable ways even if there is really nothing wrong with blood flow and other relevant body processes.

Low testosterone levels can be remedied by taking testosterone boosters that are widely available. One of the most well-reviewed products in the market is Testogen, which raises testosterone levels through a unique combination of 11 herbs and other ingredients. Reviews say that results start to kick after just two weeks of consistently taking the product.

Blood Flow Issues

There are also ED cases that are caused by anomalies in the body’s ability to direct blood flow to the penis. Treatments for this type of ED focus on the vascular system. Viagra (generic name is Sildenafil) is a well-known example of a prescription drug that improves blood flow in general. These types of drugs are also used to treat or cure other body issues such as hypertension.

These types of medication have one very important caveat: they are not always safe for people with heart problems or ailments. Doctors who prescribe this should really ask for patients’ records. They might be held liable for heart attack malpractice if they give such prescriptions carelessly.

Stress and Mental Health Issues

Even everyday stress can stop men from getting and maintaining an erection. Due to this, medications that induce relaxation or eliminate stress can help significantly. Examples are stress busters that you can easily get over-the-counter.

Mental distractions and full blown non-sexual mental health issues avert a man’s focus from the sexual act, making him unable to function well. For mild stress, simple practices such as breathing and mindfulness exercises may help. If the mental health issue is a bit more serious, prescription drugs such as SSRIs may be of use. Be sure to speak with your doctor first.


Vices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption easily interfere with bodily functions, including those crucial for reproduction. If ED is linked to these not-so-healthy behaviors, a complete lifestyle change becomes necessary.

Like any health issue, ED needs to be understood thoroughly so that it can be addressed more effectively. Different causes call for different treatments. Hence, it’s very important to consult with medical professionals first before attempting any treatment.