Snow and the City – How to Stay Fit This Winter

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With the winter holidays just around the corner, you’ll have plenty of time to forget about your daily workout routine and stack on the eggnog and beefsteak. Luckily, there are plenty of outdoor activities and sports that will keep you fit and help you work on your beach body months in advance.

So, grab your winter jacket and a pair of comfortable shoes as these activities will require significant physical effort.

Shoveling snow

Believe it or not, shoveling the snow off your alley is an intense workout activity that can easily help you burn 600 calories per hour. It is the perfect cardio exercise during the holiday season and, what’s best, it is free.

You can even earn some extra pocket money if you’re willing to work your muscles on your neighbors’ alleys.

Morning jogging

Waking up at 6 in the morning to start running in the freezing cold may not be your version of an ideal Saturday but we guarantee you’ll soon see the positive effects. Running when it’s under 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside will help your body lose even more calories as it forces it to burn fat to face the cold weather.

However, make sure to wear proper gear and swap your favorite pair of sneakers for a pair of comfy ones with good traction. Roads can be very slippery because of the ice and snow, so you don’t want to risk injuring yourself right before Christmas.


If you live near the mountains, winter is the perfect time to experience some fun in the snow and endless hours spent outside, away from deadlines, corporate emails, and tech devices. An old-fashioned hike in the woods is the perfect outdoor activity to burn extra calories after a heavy meal.

Pack your warm clothes with you and ask your friends to accompany you. If you have a dog, hiking is the perfect opportunity to bond with it and help it lose a few pounds.

Ice skating

Ice skating is another winter-specific activity that can help you lose up to 500 calories per hour. It is fun and, most importantly, it helps you work all your muscle groups, from arms to shoulders, legs, abs, and behind.

This sport represents the perfect excuse to play hockey from your last day at school or your responsibilities as a parent or adult. We all know the winter holidays rush, so why not spend some time feeling young again? Bring your best friend or children along and show off your moves on the ice.

Enjoy winter-specific sports

Skiing or snowboarding are other winter sports that will help you stay in shape and lose a few pounds. They can keep you outside all day long so don’t forget to wear appropriate winter gear and stay warm and dry.

You can also have a ski powder pack before going out to prepare for strong winds and experience the positive effects of CBD. It can help you battle wind chills and keep you warm so you can enjoy your skiing experience to the fullest.

Opt for thermal insulating clothing and weatherproof jackets to repel snow or water and wear an extra pair of thick socks to keep your feet warm. Don’t forget about a balaclava to shield your face, nose, and ears from the cold wind, and a pair of suitable sunglasses to repel glare and prevent damage to your eyes.

If you don’t want to get injured on the ski slopes, you can simply rent a snowmobile and enjoy a ride in the woods, breathing fresh air and admiring the beautiful scenery. If you own such a vehicle, make sure to look after it and invest in accessories that can help you stay out of trouble, including a lift for snowmobiles.

Last but not least, sip hot cocoa or a glass of mulled wine and head to the nearest Christmas fair for the last round of holiday shopping.