10 Spanish Pick-Up Lines You Should Probably Never Use

spanish pick up lines

Want to pick her up in español? Well, you’re better off being yourself and hoping she likes you. If you’re looking to make her laugh and/or have no shot, you’re cleared to use one of these lame but kind of funny Spanish pick-up lines:

1. Hola. Me dicen el ladrón que ha venido a robar tu corazón.
Translation: “Hi. They call me a thief because I’ve come here to steal your heart.”

2. Si estás perdida te advierto que estamos bastante lejos del cielo.
Translation: “If you are lost, you should know that heaven is a long way from here.”

3. Me gustaría ser Superman para llevarte volando, pero por ahora te acompaño caminando.
Translation: “I would like to be Superman so I can carry you in flight, but for now I will stroll next to you.”

4. Si ser bella fuera un crimen, ya te habrían dado cadena perpetua.
Translation: “If beauty was a crime, you’d get a life sentence.”

5. ¿Crees en el amor a primera vista? Yo te vi primero.
Translation: “Do you believe in love at first sight? Because I saw you first.”

6. Tengo mucho calor. ¿Seras tú?
Translation: “Is it hot in here or is it you?”

7. Te pareces mucho a mi siguiente novia.
Translation: “You look a lot like my next girlfriend?”

8. Tus ojos son como el mar después de una tormenta.
Translation: “Your eyes are like the calm before the storm.”

9. Ni las estrellas en el cielo son tan bonitas como tu.
Translation: “Not even the stars above are as pretty as you.”

10. Ahora si entiendo lo del calentamiento global.
Translation:  “Now I understand global warming. It must be you.”