The Danger of Getting Your Tongue Stuck to a Pole

Have you ever seen the classic holiday movie “A Christmas Story”? One of the most memorable scenes from the movie is when the character Flick gets his tongue stuck to a freezing cold pole. While this scene is played for laughs in the movie, getting your tongue stuck to a pole can actually be a dangerous situation.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what happens when your tongue gets stuck to a pole, why it happens, and what you should do if it happens to you or someone you know.

What happens when your tongue gets stuck to a pole?

When your tongue gets stuck to a pole, it’s because the moisture on your tongue freezes to the metal. This is similar to how ice cubes stick to the bottom of a tray. When the moisture on your tongue freezes, it creates a bond between your tongue and the metal. This bond is strong enough to hold your tongue in place, which can be extremely painful.

When your tongue is stuck to a pole, you’ll likely feel a sharp pain and a pulling sensation. You may also experience bleeding as your tongue is pulled away from the pole. If you try to pull your tongue away from the pole yourself, you risk tearing your tongue or damaging the tissue.

Why does your tongue get stuck to a pole?

Your tongue gets stuck to a pole when the moisture on your tongue freezes to the metal. This can happen in extremely cold temperatures when the metal is below freezing. It’s important to note that this can happen with any part of your body, not just your tongue. For example, if you were to lick a metal surface with your hand, your hand could get stuck as well.

What should you do if your tongue gets stuck to a pole?

Tongue Stuck to a Pole1

If your tongue gets stuck to a pole, the first thing you should do is stay calm. Panicking will only make the situation worse. The next step is to try to warm up the metal around your tongue. You can do this by breathing warm air on the metal or using warm water to pour on the metal.

It’s important not to try to pull your tongue away from the metal. This can cause serious injury to your tongue and the surrounding tissue. Instead, try to gently wiggle your tongue to loosen the bond between the metal and the moisture on your tongue.

If you’re unable to free your tongue from the pole, you’ll need to seek medical attention. Call 911 or your local emergency services for assistance. They’ll be able to safely remove your tongue from the pole and provide any necessary medical treatment.

Preventing your tongue from getting stuck to a pole

The best way to prevent your tongue from getting stuck to a pole is to avoid licking metal surfaces in cold temperatures. This might seem like common sense, but it’s important to remember that accidents can happen. If you’re in a situation where you’re tempted to lick a metal surface, remind yourself of the potential consequences.

Another way to prevent your tongue from getting stuck to a pole is to dress appropriately for the weather. Make sure you’re wearing warm clothing, including a hat, gloves, and a scarf. This will help prevent your body from losing heat and reduce the risk of your tongue freezing to a metal surface.

In conclusion, getting your tongue stuck to a pole is a painful and potentially dangerous situation. It’s important to stay calm if it happens and avoid trying to pull your tongue away from the metal. Instead, try to warm up the metal around your tongue and gently wiggle your tongue to loosen the bond. If you’re unable to free your tongue, seek medical attention immediately. And remember, the best way to prevent your tongue from getting stuck to a pole is to avoid licking metal surfaces in cold temperatures and to dress appropriately for the weather.