Lose Weight Now: Popular, Man-Friendly Diets

how to lose weight with supplementsSupplements
The Gist: From protein shakes and multivitamins to creatine pills, even steroids like androstenedione (a.k.a. Andro), many guys look to supplements to aid them in speeding up their metabolism, burning fat, building muscle, boosting testosterone and improving energy and memory.

Pros: “There are supplements that can be very effective for building muscle or burning fat,” says Avanti. “The modern supplements are nearly as powerful as illegal, controlled substances.” Usually coupled with athletic training, supplements can help fast-track fat loss and build muscle — which doesn’t necessarily equal weight loss but can make you look leaner.

Cons: “One of the biggest mistakes is trying to do it all using cutting-edge bodybuilding supplements,” says Avanti. They’re expensive, and the magic only lasts while you’re taking them. “Even as they are very effective, they are also very discouraging after you stop, as the effect fades. This leads to quitting the workout plan, eating bad foods and gaining back the weight.”

Next: NutriSystem for Men