After real estate tycoon, businessman, tie, steak, dust-collector salesman, and pumpkin-skinned gasbag Donald Trump announced his campaign many talking heads wrote him off. They were wrong, as Trump went on to destroy the 16-candidate field to capture the Republican nomination for the presidency. Now Trump squares off against a humanoid with a perma-frown Hillary Clinton for the presidency of our great land. We’ve covered some
We’ve covered some Hillary’s scandals, but Trump continues to dominate the airwaves in the same way the dead rat he calls hair dominates his head. What should be worrisome to the Republicans is that with the election nearing Trump still hasn’t won everyone in his party over, including these 10 people who should be out there on the stump pushing to get him elected. Not all of them have said they’ll vote Humanoid Clinton in November, but if you read between the lines, they’re not going to vote for Gary Johnson since, obviously, he has no ideas where Aleppo is.* Anyway, some of the people dissing Trump aren’t who you’d expect, starting with …
Next: 2012’s GOP NOMINEE
*Neither did we.
Mitt Romney, former GOP nominee
Romney was the 2012 Republican nominee for President and condemned Trump in a March speech, labeling him a “con man” and a “fraud.” Romney has subsequently suggested he might vote for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and urged Johnson’s inclusion in the fall debates. We’re not sure why Romney doesn’t just sit home and swim in his money bank, but whatever …
Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard CEO
Whitman, who was the Republican candidate for California governor in 2010, has endorsed Hillary Clinton and raised money for her campaign. Whitman has called Trump a “dishonest demagogue.”
Barbara Bush, former First Lady
The mother of failed 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush, Barbara Bush has vigorously condemned Trump’s behavior. “I don’t know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly,” Bush said in a February interview referring to Trump retweeting someone calling Kelly a “bimbo.”
Sen. Mark Kirk, Illinois senator
In the midst of a tough re-election campaign bid this year, Kirk has aggressively distanced himself from Trump. He’s called Trump “bigoted and racist” and is even running television ads criticizing Trump. No word on whether he’s tried Trump Steaks.
Rep. Richard Hanna, New York congressman
Hanna, who is retiring from the U.S. House at the end of the year, has repeatedly denounced Trump. In an August op-ed, he called him a “world-class panderer … anything but a leader.” Hanna is the most senior current Republican officeholder to endorse Clinton.
Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Advisor
Scowcroft, who set national security policy under Republican presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush endorsed Clinton in June, praising her foreign policy expertise. His organization, the Atlantic Council, has blasted Trump.
Gov. Charlie Baker, Massachusetts governor
First elected in 2014, Baker has charted a moderate course in office that contrasts with Trump’s brash style. After Trump attacked the family of Capt. Humayun Khan, Baker said Trump “lacks the temperament necessary to be president.”
George Shultz, former Secretary of State
Shultz, who served as President Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State, had a simple answer when asked about the prospect of Trump becoming President: “God help us.” He has been rumored to be considering a joint endorsement of Clinton with fellow former secretary of state Henry Kissinger.
Carlos Gutierrez, former Secretary of Commerce
The former CEO of Kellogg and President George W. Bush’s Secretary of Commerce, Gutierrez has cut ads for Clinton. In an August interview, he said that Trump’s economic policies could lead to “disaster.”
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