Being More Visible Than the Rest
If you’re a man looking to stand out on any social media outlet, you’ve got a long road ahead of you. This is especially true with Instagram, or IG as the “cool kids” are calling it these days. While IG isn’t expressly intended for women, that’s kind of the “calculus” behind the app. Sure, men can use it and have fun, but those who shine the most on IG are female. That said, plenty of male influencers have popular accounts, and a good reason for that is that they take an approach which makes full use of available tools for overall visibility enhancement. Following are a few steps you can take as a man to make your IG profile popular, and even trending.

1. Try Risky Things
Think about the Red Bull exploits which include athletes doing things like, say, jumping from an extra-atmospheric hot air balloon as Felix Baumgartner did. Now obviously, Felix had a bit of a budget behind him for the video he captured from the edge of space. However, if you look at the footage, except for some shots before the jump, it isn’t that great.
When he’s falling, from the ground, you can barely see him, and his head-cam spun around like he did, so you couldn’t really see anything from his perspective, either. Yet Baumgartner’s exploits became famous regardless owing to the risky audacity of his actions. That video is still getting views years later.
For your IG, try things that are a bit risky—within reason. If you’re on a four-wheeler, get some photos. Maybe have someone catch a few short videos of you cliff-diving, or playing hockey, or at the gun range, or riding a horse. People like to have that mild feeling of danger. Be safe, but do things that really emphasize the masculine in this way.
2. Hike to Remote Places, Take Strong Pictures
If you’re not into taking a variety of risks for good photos, another way to have a popular account is to take lots of gorgeous pictures of remote locales that take real effort to get to. The tops of mountains, coral reefs captured underwater while scuba diving, high desert emptiness—capture gorgeous landscapes and share them regularly. People love that.
3. Use Editing, Filters, and Apps to Creatively Augment Photos
Use the tools available to you. Editing features can get rid of shadow or red eye. You can use the same apps to remove unwanted people or items from the background of your photo. You can even change your clothes. Follow this link for more info on changing the color of your clothes in a photo. Use all variety of digital tools to perfect, enhance, augment, and optimize your photos.

4. The Meme Angle: Find Ways of “Meme-ifying” Yourself
Jokes are very popular, and it doesn’t matter how athletic you are, this tends to be a better move for enhancing your visibility than leaning into the sensual angle. It’s different for everybody, but if you’re a dude, you’re more likely to get popular through humor than you are through sensuality. That’s just the reality.
That’s not to say there aren’t funny women, that’s not to say there aren’t sexy men. But for most guys, you’re going to do better being funny than being “hot”. So lean into that. Take pictures you can turn into memes. Experiment with meme templates. Get in the habit of “captioning” photos that are conducive to “memery”, if you will.
5. It’s a Tactic: Get Lots of Pictures of You and Pretty Ladies
Just because people are more likely to laugh at guys than be sensually interested doesn’t mean the sensual angle is totally gone. Get lots of pictures of you with attractive ladies. Other guys will like the photos for the girls, and girls will wonder what’s going on with your profile. You’ll be perceived as more popular, and this should positively affect your IG account.
An IG Account That Continues to Grow
Pictures of you with people (especially ladies), the meme angle, utilizing photo-editing alternatives, taking pictures of hard-to-reach landscapes, and taking risks generally represent five ways you as a man can enhance the visibility of your IG profile. Different tactics may work more or less for different guys. Finally, experiment to find what’s best for you personally.