5 Mistakes to Avoid in Buying a Walk in Bathtub

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A walk-in bathtub is a great feature to add to your bathroom if you want to enjoy a warm bath and the convenience of stepping inside it. Some walk in baths also come with water jets, so you will also feel relaxed as the jets massage your body and relieve soreness in your muscles or joints. If you are planning to buy one and have it installed in your bathroom, familiarize yourself with the common mistakes in purchasing a walk-in bathtub so you can avoid them.

Focusing on price over the quality

Walk-in tubs are more expensive than regular bathtubs. You may be drawn to buying the cheapest one, but you must not decide base on the price alone. Consider the quality too. While you may want to save on the cost, buying an inexpensive bathtub that does not last long will not be a sound investment. Find one that is made of quality materials, and is proven to last for years.

Not measuring the bathroom properly

Walk-in bathtubs come in varying sizes. Do not rush buying one without ensuring that it will fit in your bathroom. Consider not just the space of the bathroom itself, but the entrance, and the way that you will pass through when you get it inside the house. Also, prepare the electrical and plumbing connections for easy installation.

Not replacing the water heater

Walk-in tubs require a water heater with higher capacity. They use more water, especially the two-seaters. Do not make the mistake of not replacing your water heater to match your needs. This is an added cost, so you must consider it when working on your budget. If your water heater is not that powerful, it will take longer to fill the bathtub, and the water may turn cold before the tub fills.

Disregarding maintenance

Your bathtub requires maintenance. A quick clean after every use is important to keep it in top shape, and to prevent bacteria from spreading. Some bathtubs come with self-cleaning features. Do not make your decision on which model to buy until you know the features that each offer. Go for one that is self-cleaning, such as a bathtub that has a UV feature to clean bacteria, yeasts, algae, mould, and virus.

Getting one without a warranty

Do not get too excited about purchasing the bathtub without asking about the warranty. Not all sellers may give one. Choose one that offers a warranty for your protection. It’s best if they offer a lifetime warranty, but if not, a 10-year warranty is good enough. Read what the warranty covers, so you will be informed on the things that will fall under it.

One of the most common issues of a walk-in bathtub is a falling or broken door. If yours doesn’t have a warranty, the repair or replacement will come out of your pocket, and it will not be cheap. The warranty will prevent these costly expenses, as they will be covered.

Keep these mistakes in mind in buying a walk-in bathtub, and be sure to avoid them. Make an informed decision by doing your research and knowing about the features and quality of your options.