5 Must-Know Office Ergonomics Tips for a More Comfortable Day


Do you sit at a desk all day for work? Do you notice by the end of the day your neck is stiff or your legs are restless? Then its time to reconfigure your workstation to give you a more comfortable work environment that will help keep you from getting fatigued. 

Keep reading for some great office ergonomics tips that will help improve not only your comfort level but your efficiency and productivity as well. 

1. Keep Moving

Sometimes when you are working on a computer you find yourself getting into a zone that keeps you from getting up and moving around. Our bodies are not meant to hold the same posture for long periods of time so you have to take time to stand, walk, or even do some light stretches throughout the day. To help you remember to do so while working, you should consider getting a sit-to-stand desk. 

These styles of desks allow you to move seamlessly from sitting to standing periodically throughout the day. You can even set goals to stand at certain times, such as before or after lunch, so you don’t get forget to stand occasionally. An anti-fatigue mat should also be used while you are standing to help cushion your knees and legs. 

You should also consider using an active anti-fatigue mat. These styles of mats are engineered to help encourage you to move and stretch while standing. Some have sidewalls that are sloped so you can elevate your foot, stretch your calves or take a wider stance. There are also some balance board style mats that help encourage you to keep your balance, which engages the muscles in your legs, glutes, and back. 

2. Have Good Posture

If you notice by the end of the day that your neck is stiff, you should start by checking the position of your monitor. Your monitor should be at a position that is directly in front of you and the center of the screen at your eye-level. This way when you are looking at the screen you aren’t straining your head up or down, causing pain in your neck. 

Your shoulders should be able to stay in a relaxed position. If you find that they are starting to hunch up towards your ears, you should adjust the height of your chair and try not to slouch. If you use your phone a lot during the day, consider using a headset. This will keep your hands free without squeezing the phone between your shoulder and neck. 

3. Get a Comfortable Chair

One of the most important aspects of ergonomics in the office is having a comfortable office chair. This chair should be able to adjust its height, and angle so that your feet are able to rest comfortably on the floor with your knees at or slightly below the level of your hips. If your legs aren’t comfortable on the floor you should add an adjustable footrest.

Make sure you scoot into your workspace so you don’t have to reach far for your mouse or keyboard. Your chair should also have adjustable armrests so you can keep your elbows bent, rested, in a neutral position. For extra added comfort, add a memory foam cushion like the one that can be found at https://www.everlastingcomfort.net/blogs/comfy-reads/office-ergonomics-why-you-need-a-memory-foam-seat-cushion.

4. Reduce Eye Strain

One of the main contributors to work fatigue in the office is straining your eyes while staring at your computer. Remember to blink often, and for every 20 minutes of work, you should take a 20-second break from looking at your monitor, ideally looking at something that is in the distance to help your eyes adjust their focus. 

You should also make sure to adjust your monitors and have the center of the screen at eye level. Then review the settings to be sure you have enough color contrast and reduce the level of brightness. Also, make sure your workstation ergonomics include proper lighting. If your office is to dim or too bright your eyesight might become blurred causing headaches and even neck pain. 

The color of your office lighting and your monitor may also affect your eyes and your energy levels. The blue tones of some fluorescents and monitors may cause fatigue or headaches. Yellowish tones are easier on the eyes so you might want to ask about switching out the fluorescent light covers or getting a screen that will reduce the blue lights on your monitor. 

5. Good Posture

Even if you have all the right gear for an ergonomic workstation you might still find yourself struggling with fatigue or strain. Part of the issue might be that you are slouching in your chair and drawing your neck and shoulders forward. This will create back problems in your upper and lower back and can lead to further issues. 

When you are sitting make sure you are sitting up straight with your hips all the way back in your chair. Your chair should have good lumbar support so it helps cradle your lower back as well as supporting your upper back. Your neck, shoulders, and head should remain relaxed, not tensed up, with your elbows bent and close to your body. 

If you are not able to sit comfortably under your desk and have to stretch to reach your mouse and keyboard then the muscles in your neck, arms, and wrists will become strained. This constant strain will cause pain in your muscles and may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. You should consider either getting a higher desk, lifting your existing one, or a keyboard tray that can be lifted out from under your desk and pulled up close to you. 

Learn More Office Ergonomics Tips Today! 

These are some of the most important office ergonomics tips that you should start implementing today. Make sure you have a well-positioned desk and chair, get up and move frequently, and don’t forget to rest your eyes every so often. 

If you’d like more tips on how to stay healthy in the office, make sure to visit our website daily!