In 2022, the AskGamblers Casino Complaint Service helped nearly 6,000 players recover more than $7 million of unpaid, delayed or unfairly confiscated money in total.
As shown in the recently released annual report, the AskGamblers Casino Complaint Service (abbreviated: AGCCS) returned an incredible $7,021,991 to players via its player complaint resolution service in 2022.
The AGCCS annual report reveals that AskGamblers received and reviewed a total of 8,494 complaints in 2022, submitted by 5,918 players against 926 casino sites. 2,862 complaints were ultimately accepted, while 2,101 complaints were resolved.
Additionally, the Casino Complaint Service celebrated several milestones in 2022. Not only did AskGamblers break the record for the total sum of all complaints submitted across our non-English versions of the website (970 in total), but we also saw a 70% increase in all sports betting complaints compared to 2021.
The year was best summed up by Vladimir Karov, Head of Customer Success: “2022 was a year of huge success to us, especially as we received an unprecedented amount of complaints across all our verticals, including casino, sports, affiliate, and white label.
“As always, our dedicated team made sure to respond quickly and do everything in their power to resolve the issues at hand as best and fast as possible. We will continue to work just as hard and there is no doubt the results next year will once again reflect our diligence and commitment.”
Since its inception in 2009, the AskGamblers Casino Complaint Service has helped players recover a grand total of over $53 million of unpaid, delayed or unfairly confiscated money.
About AskGamblers
AskGamblers.com strives to provide current, objective, and accurate information and guide its users towards a safe gaming experience. The way we deliver our services, from the online casino, slot, and bonus reviews to our trusted Casino Complaint Service, is best described by our motto: “Get the truth. Then play.”