CBD Consumption: 4 Most Common Ways to Take CBD Oil

CBD Consumption 4 Most Common Ways to Take CBD Oil

CBD is a cannabidiol that comes from the hemp and marijuana plants. Its effects range from reducing pain to eliminating seizures. And there are many ways to consume it so that everybody can find a delivery method that works best for them.

If you’ve never consumed CBD, you should learn the various ways to take CBD oil. CBD oil is the most common product in which CBD is available, besides marijuana bud that can only be smoked. You can also find edibles and intranasal products in growing markets.

In this article, we’re going to discuss how to take some of the best CBD oil in the market. This will help you feel more comfortable purchasing it for the first time because you’ll know how you intend to use it. Keep reading to learn more.

4 Easy Ways to Take CBD Oil

It can be confusing to learn how to consume CBD oil when you first begin using it. That’s why we’ve put this guide together so that you can feel confident at the CBD dispensary.

1. Topical Applications – Skin

The best way to use CBD oil if you have aching muscles or joints is without a doubt to apply it topically.

Researchers do know that CBD is fat-soluble, as with other cannabinoids. This means that it can accumulate in your skin and tissues without dissipating further into the body. Furthermore, that means the area to be treated gets the direct impact of the effects.

2. Oral Consumption

One of the most common questions about oral use is how to consume CBD oil this way. This includes the aforementioned edibles. It can also simply be mixed into your favorite beverage. It is important to stay hydrated when consuming CBD so fill up a glass of water, add your CBD oil, and start feeling better right away! 

3. Dissolving Tinctures

The best way to take CBD oil for those that prefer a faster onset of effects is dissolving tinctures under the tongue. 

Ananda Hemp is a great place to start your CBD journey with tinctures. 

4. Inhaling – Vaping/Smoking

Of course, the original method for delivering CBD to the bloodstream is none other than smoking it. But, if you prefer to avoid smoking, you can vape it. Many shops sell the tinctures pre-manufactured in vape capsules that will attach to regular vape pens. 

Using vaporizers is the best way to avoid inhaling carcinogens and other hazardous materials. 

Starting Your Journey with CBD Oil

Keep in mind that the various ways to take CBD oil are all dependent on your overall health. You should consult with your physician regarding your CBD dose and intake to ensure proper use.

There is little research that outlines the difference in absorption of CBD when taken via these or other methods. So, choose whichever method works best for you.

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