When most people think of camping, they envision uncomfortable nights spent sleeping on the ground in a tent. While there is no denying that camping can be a bit of an adjustment, there are plenty of good reasons to give it a try. Camping forces you to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature. There is nothing like spending a few days in the great outdoors to help you appreciate the simple things in life. Camping can also be a great way to bond with family and friends. With no distractions, you can have long conversations around the campfire or go on hikes and explore new territory together.
Choose a Perfect Campsite
When you’re looking for a campsite, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Try to find a site that’s flat and level. You don’t want to be sleeping on an incline all night. Make sure the site is far enough away from the bathroom so you don’t have to walk uphill every time you need to go. Try to find a spot that’s sheltered from the wind. There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep in a tent that’s constantly flapping in the breeze. The site should be level enough to allow you to pack your car and set up your rooftop car tent from iKamper.
Bring Layers for the Cold Nights
Even if you’re camping in the summer, nights can get chilly. Make sure to bring layers of clothing so you can stay warm at night. A hat, scarf and gloves are also essential for protecting yourself from the elements. In addition, don’t forget to pack a sleeping bag that is rated for cold weather camping.
Make sure that the sleeping bag has a good thermal rating. This will ensure that it will retain heat well and keep you warm even in sub-zero temperatures. Look for a sleeping bag that is waterproof. This will protect you from the elements if you happen to get caught in a storm. You should also choose a sleeping bag with a comfortable filling. This will help you to get a good night’s sleep even when camping in the coldest weather.
Pack a Camp Chair and Hammock
Sitting on the ground all day can be tough on your back. Make sure to pack a camp chair or two. And if you really want to get comfortable, bring along a hammock as well. You can thank us later when you’re relaxing in your hammock with a good book while everyone else is sitting on the ground trying not to get their pants dirty.
Get Your Camping Gear Ready Ahead of Time
One of the biggest mistakes people make when camping is waiting until the last minute to get their gear ready. Get your tent set up at home before you leave so you know how everything goes together. Make sure to test out your sleeping bag ahead of time too so you know it’s actually going to keep you warm at night. The last thing you want is to be fumbling with gear in the dark when all you want to do is crawl into your tent and go to bed.
There is nothing like sleeping under the stars, listening to the sound of silence and feeling the crisp air fill your lungs. By following these simple tips, you can take your camping trips from uncomfortable to luxury car camping in no time.