Stress is our body’s natural response to challenges, inconveniences, and difficulties in life. Often stress is perceived as bad. But, if truth be told, there are certain instances where stress can be indeed good, provided it is the right kind of stress. The right kind of stress can help sharpen your mind and reflexes. It can streamline your overall performance and protect you from a dangerous situation. When you are stressed, a physiological reaction takes place in the body. It results in the release of hormones, which cause the physical manifestation of stress, such as accelerated breathing, increased heart rate, tunnel vision, shaking, reduced digestion, flushed skin, and pupil dilation. It is known as the body’s fight or flight response. Regardless of whether it is good stress or bad stress, it must be controlled because it can result in anxiety and sleeplessness if prolonged. But, what can you do to monitor your stress levels? Here is a list of suggestions to help you keep a check on your stress levels. Let us get started and address them one by one.
Learn to manage time
Be it students or working professionals; time management is one skill that can be one of the biggest stress-relieving techniques. If you know how to manage your time well, you will never lag, which will help keep stress at bay.
For instance, if you are a student burdened with assignments, lectures, homework, and the subject reading, things can be quite overwhelming for you. This can result in stress. If you find it hard to deal with it, instead of stressing yourself out, look for ways to manage your time better so you can accommodate everything in your schedule. There will be days when you may find it impossible to squeeze everything into your schedule. On those days, you can look forth to buy custom term paper online. These papers are created by experts and can help you maintain your grades without you having to stress about them.
The best trick to manage time is to list down all the things you intend to do across the day, along with a fixed timeline for each task (be reasonable there), and then adhere to it. In addition, it is good to mention break times between the tight schedule. This can give you a breather in between two tasks.
Take deep breaths
It is important to pause and take deep breaths to release all the pressure every once in a while. You won’t even realize it, but this simple exercise can make you feel good instantly. For this, follow the five steps below:
- Find a quiet place, and sit down in a comfortable position. Keep your feet on the floor and your hands on the floor. You can even lie down if you like.
- Shut your eyes, and ease your mind.
- Now, employ visual imagery, and imagine yourself in a calming place. It can be anywhere you would like to be – a beach, an ocean, in a beautiful and expansive field, or anywhere that gives you an inner peaceful feeling.
- Now, slowly take deep breaths – inhale and exhale slowly.
- Repeat this for five or ten minutes in a stretch.
When we say exercise, we do not mean a gruelling workout session at the gym. All it means is a heart-racing session in any form. You can practice any form of exercise that you enjoy doing. These include a brisk walk in the park, an hour-long swimming session, dancing to your favourite beat, aerobics, yoga, jogging, or anything that you enjoy doing and can do every day. So, students, take a break from all the assignments and get your heart racing. You can even outsource some of your assignments from trusted platforms, such as TopAssignmentExperts and TFTH. This will leave you with ample time to work out. Working out is important because it releases endorphins in the body. These are feel-good hormones, which help us feel good. More so, exercising provides us with a sense of accomplishment and results in good mental health. Naturally, when you step out in the open to exercise, you spend time outdoors and in the company of other people. This can be a good change from the monotony of your routine life.
More so, studies suggest that exercise has a positive impact in curing depressive symptoms. It is just as effective as taking antidepressants or therapy.
Get adequate sleep
There can be two reasons why you are not sleeping enough. One, you study through the night, and two, you are partying or wasting time during the day that pushes you to do your chores at night. Regardless, not sleeping enough can add to the stress. A proper sleeping schedule is beneficial for amplifying your productivity the next day and keeping stress at bay. You must try to sleep for at least six to eight hours every day. Also, ensure that you wake up and sleep at a fixed time every day. This can improve your sleep quality and also help you sleep better at night.
At times, your lack of understanding of certain subjects or lessons eats up all your time, and this leaves you with little time to cater to other assignments or tasks. Consequently, your overall productivity sees a sharp decline, and you begin to lag in your studies. So, if, for instance, you are finding it hard to understand or quickly solve Trigonometry problems, you must take steps to overcome them. If you take one hour to solve every problem, and there are five problems in your homework assignment, naturally, you will have very little time to attend to your other tasks. As a result, sooner or later, you will feel the stress. So, it is best to find yourself a good course to educate yourself on the subject. You can find an array of good courses to learn Trigonometry online. Take up the course, and you can combat the problem from the root, thereby avoiding the plausible cause of stress.
Eat good food
Lastly, what you put on your plate, too, can have an impact on your stress levels. Some foods tend to induce stress levels in the body, while others ensure that your stress levels are in check. Thus, it is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet that helps you keep your mood in check and makes you feel better. Your diet should have a good mix of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, good fat, and proteins. Ensure that all of these nutrients are adequately present in your diet. Skipping either of them can be stress-inducing.