These days, every adult can legally purchase cannabis in eleven States. People become more accepting of medical marijuana; it doesn’t associate with 40-years old unemployed men and lazy teenagers any longer. At least, not after a former president Barack Obama admitted trying pot in college.
The cannabis industry is growing rapidly in the United States. According to the latest statistics published by Marijuana Business Daily (MBD), the number of marijuana consumers will increase by up to 400% in 2022.
Medical marijuana can replace prescription drugs such as pain pills, insomnia drugs, anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, and glaucoma drugs. This fact clearly threatens the pharmaceutical industry. No wonder there are so many myths and misconceptions about cannabis these days.
It’s time to debunk some myths about the health benefits of cannabis. At this point, the University of Cagliari and CNR Institute of Neuroscience state carry out research to answer cannabis users’ questions. Here is a list of proven health benefits:
Beats Depression
Some researchers suggest that regular smoking of marijuana can cause depression. However, it has never been confirmed by the National Institute Of Mental Health.
Approximately 300.000 million people live with depression. Obviously, they all can’t be cannabis users. Some people are more prone to this medical illness than others. Common risk factors for depression are abuse, early trauma, genetics, chronic stress.
According to ThriveNevada, cannabis can be useful in treating depression while being combined with professional psychological help.
To treat depression, an individual should make an effort to increase serotonin levels. The research suggests that medical marijuana can have a positive interaction with serotonin receptors. Indeed, the smoking pot will not help to heal trauma. However, it can become an excellent substitute for prescribed antidepressants.
It still hasn’t been proved what can be more addictive – cannabis or antidepressants.
It’s important to remind that persistent depressive disorder can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, inflammation, insomnia, chronic pain, and loss of libido.
Another review has also shown that smoking cannabis can help people to stop panic attacks and relieve anxiety in general.
The impact of marijuana on stress levels has been examined by a Washington State University in 2017. The study showed that CBD could help to cope with stress.
Relieves Chronic Pain
A recent report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine showed evidence proving that cannabis usage can be a part of the treatment of chronic pain.
The researchers evaluated 30 women and men with chronic pain. After the first five-days trial, participants noticed significant pain reduction. After the second trial, researcher Mark Ware stated that cannabis has a clear medical value. He also pointed out that CBD still can’t be the first-line treatment for chronic pain.
Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
A study led by Kim Janda in 2006 suggests that smoking cannabis can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The active chemical in marijuana (also known as THC) can block the enzyme in the brain and slow the formation of amyloid plaques (they are responsible for killing brain cells and causing Alzheimer’s disease).
Moreover, a mixture of cannabis and THC can also reduce disturbances in dementia patients. The link between cannabis usage and Alzheimer’s prevention requires more research. At the moment, all the studies are in the early stages.
Treats the side effects of Hepatitis-C Medication
Hepatitis C medication has a lot of unpleasant side effects: fatigue, headache, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, hair loss, joint pain, and dizziness. No wonder, some patients turn to use cannabis in order to manage these side effects. Also, marijuana can help to ease general symptoms from a viral infection.
A study conducted by the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that patients using cannabis are more likely to complete their hepatitis C treatment.
Relieves arthritis Discomfort
According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, almost 24 million adults in the United States are limited in their activities because of arthritis.
In 2011, researchers announced that smoking marijuana could help to relieve discomfort and pain for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
These days, doctors give people with arthritis a cannabinoid-based medicine called Sativex. All patients noted the improved sleep and reduction in pain after a two-week period.
Treats Obesity
Obesity is a growing concern in the United States. At the moment, approximately 35% of Americans have this health problem. One study published in the American Journal Of Medicine suggests that marijuana can help to prevent obesity since it increases metabolism.
Cannabis users have a better response to sugar. Also, a study from Michigan State University confirmed that cannabis users weigh less compared to non-smokers.
Growing Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes
Medical cannabis refers to the therapeutic or medicinal application of cannabis or marijuana to relieve the common signs and symptoms of the disease. Drcannabis explains the different ways on how to grow cannabis indoors and outdoors and the importance of proper preparation, including supplies, tools, and equipment when cultivating this amazing plant.
Here’s how to grow cannabis:
- Get Some Seeds: Buy some seeds from trusted sources, such as a local dispensary near you or through an online cannabis bank.
- Choose the Growing Method: You can grow cannabis seeds in plain dirt, coco fiber or rock wool, hydroponics, aeroponics, or via air, and aquaponics, or soil-less system.
Plain dirt involves using good soil, which is cheaper and easier to do than other methods. For better yields than soil, coco fiber or rock wool, which is an inert material to hold the roots, can be used. On the other hand, hydroponics use gravel to grow cannabis that is poured with water mixed with special fertilizer.
- Choose Lighting: There are various lighting methods available in growing cannabis seeds, including fluorescent light, High-Intensity Discharge (HID) grow lights, plasma, and Light Emitting Diode (LED).
Fluorescent grow lights suit early vegetative growth with bloom lamps used as side-lighting for taller cannabis plants flowering indoors. For general purpose indoor growing, HID grow lights are recommended. HID lights can produce intense light indoors and are extremely efficient. LED technology is used by medical cannabis growers since LED lights supplement the spectrum of existing grow light, steering cannabis plants into flowering and fruiting stages.
- Watering: If your cannabis plants need some watering, you have to assess the soil. You don’t want to overwater or dehydrate your cannabis plants. Marijuana plants need a wet and dry cycle for their roots to grow and penetrate deeper into the soil. Water must pool up on the soil’s surface when watering. However, it shouldn’t sit on the soil’s surface after moving on to the next cannabis plant.
- Fertilizer: Opt to use organic fertilizer for your medicinal cannabis plants.
The Bottom Line
Multiple studies have proven that cannabis has a lot of health benefits. Smoking marijuana can become a part of depression treatment, relieve chronic pain, and even slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The active chemicals in cannabis can also help to treat the side effects of hepatitis C medication and relieve arthritis discomfort. Check out this website (https://www.taleoftwostrains.ca/) to learn more about the various range of products to suit your needs.