How To Build A Ping-Pong-Worthy Body

reverseflyescREAR DELT FLY

The muscles on the back of your shoulders can help your backhand. Plus, too much anterior (front) shoulder work can lead to muscular imbalances and pain. Read: Don’t neglect your rear delts.

How to do it

Lie face down on a bench that’s been adjusted to a 30-degrees incline. Using a pair of light dumbbells, perform the same movement as you did with the incline chest fly but in reverse. But do it painfully slow. At the top of the movement, contract your shoulder blades and pause for one second. Repeat for three sets of 10-15 reps.

Rear delt fly tip: If you’re unable to pause at the top of the movement, you’re going too heavy. Use lighter weight.


Next: Cable Twists