Interracial Porn: The Naughty Little Secret of the Porn Industry


Systemic racism plagues the porn industry- make sure that your fetish doesn’t strengthen the divide.

Right. If there were any words that could signal an impending difficult conversation, they would probably be: Race, Sex, Religion, and Politics. But discussing these hard to discuss topics is what will get us on the right track for the future. While we’re definitely not ballsy enough to begin to put out our personal philosophies on religion and politics- race and sex are right up our alley. Mostly because we think both are spectacular. While we are happy to believe that both will happily put a tingle in our nether regions, separating the two can become an issue.

“For many viewers- it’s not necessarily the overt racist overtones that bring them to view mainstream interracial porn,” Say the providers of some seriously sexy IR, Porndoe. “This is largely because we host a variety of videos that depict any number of ethnicities, and there is no clear winner as far as popular stream goes.” Which begs the question- are interracial fetishists really racist?

Check Your Provider- Not Your Perversion

If you want any conversation to get really weird and real uncomfortable, really quick- just ask anyone about their deepest sexual desires. Unfortunately, even in 2021, most sexual fantasy and fetishes are still considered stigmatized. Or worse- polarizing, shameful, or racist. But make no mistake- while you may fetishize specific races (we’re looking at you- adorable Asian girls in tiny skirts), this doesn’t actually make you a racist. Just like if you’re super into feet, doesn’t say that you completely disregard every other body part available, just because you really enjoy seeing a tag team of hunky black dudes tackle a ridiculously tiny white chick- doesn’t mean all other forms of sex disinterest you. And it also doesn’t necessarily mean you wouldn’t be into it if the colors (or even species- check out hentai sometime) were flipped.

The thing that makes interracial porn (and pretty much every other facet of racial divide) racist is actually implicit in the system itself. Black porn actors often make far less money than their white co-stars. And that’s a problem. The industry doesn’t treat black female pornstars with the same reverence as white female pornstars. This is also a problem. Not to mention the inequities that exist with many other types of ethnicities in porn. I.e- Asians, Latins, Indians, Native Hawaiians, etc, etc, etc and on and on. Unfortunately- the porn industry has a serious race problem. But most likely- you do not.

Interracial Porn Can Actually Be “Interracial”

While there are definitely valid arguments re: watching “interracial” porn only helps to perpetuate otherness and the current conditions that POC pornstars have to deal with- genuinely interracial porn does exist. And is absolutely worth watching. In these delightfully dirty scenes, people of a multitude of ethnicities happily get down and dirty with each other. All shapes, sizes, and colors all amass into gleaming orgies and unfettered f—k fests. So to say that interracial porn doesn’t exist is problematic in and of itself- as those touting this idea conveniently kick all the amazing, quality, interracial porn under the gently rocking bed.

The best way to find some truly interracial porn – if you’re into that sort of thing- is to check where you’re getting your porn from in the first place. Look at production companies, look at the sites providing your seven minutes in heaven. Chances are if they only produce black male/white female porn, they aren’t worth your time and are causing way more problems than just your porn addiction. The best place to find your multicolored, multifaceted porn is to check out anyone of the ethical porn producers.

Understanding the Industry

This is because one of the biggest cornerstones of ethical porn is fair representation. This means that all actors are treated fairly, discuss their scenes, negotiating fair pay, and possibly most importantly- non-racially stereotyped roles and scripts. Systemic racism is a massive problem in our society. And frankly- porn is a HUGE indicator of what is happening in our society. So, I order to really tackle systemic racism- the porn industry absolutely must stand up. They have a responsibility to represent each of their actors fairly- even when playing towards particular niche interests.

This absolutely has to start with the industry better representing, listening, and respecting the indwelling sensuality that BIPOC performers bring to scenes. Interracial porn is an incredibly popular niche, and one that deserves to be expanded on- instead of being shamed out of the room. But it’s not just up to the industry- as a viewer and serial enthusiast of interracial porn- it’s also up to you to expect better from your providers. Say goodbye to the disgusting practice of “racial purity” porn, and hello to a world where color is just another incredible facet that these beautiful bodies and extraordinary people can bring to our deepest fantasies.