5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make Right Now

5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make Right Now

#2. Read More
Mark Zuckerberg reads a new book every other week. Seriously. And the strangest part, he doesn’t post a review about it on Facebook. So what should you read? Check out writers Jesse Armstrong, Alex Christofi, and James Hannah. They all have highly anticipated first novels coming out this year. If you’re more of a hit-and-run type of reader, try short stories form Stephen King (old-school, of course) or Raymond Carver. You won’t be disappointed.

#3. Take A Class
Whether it’s online or at a local college, taking a class can polish up old skills, introduce new skills, and provide access or an execute to meet new people (read: women). A good option: SUNY New Paltz, which was No. 2 on the Top 50 Affordable College with A High ROI. (By the way, ROI stands for “return on investment.” So if you didn’t know that maybe you should take a SUNY New Paltz business course.)