Playing poker is one of the best ways to make money from casino games. Unlike most other games, poker is a game of skill that allows you to capitalize on strategy. So, poker can be a lucrative full-time career if you can hone your skills enough to beat your opponents consistently. Of course, you must keep finetuning your gameplay to have the best hand. How do you do this?
Staying Ahead of the Other Players
Poker is not about beating the house. Instead, it is all about beating the other players trying to outsmart you. So, poker face aside, how can you get ahead?
1. Play Fewer Hands
Sometimes, players want to increase their odds by playing many hands. But this has many disadvantages. First, it threatens your bankroll. The more you play, the higher your chances of losing money and decreasing your overall payout. Even when luck is on your side, the risk is always significant. Secondly, not all hands are worth playing. Thus, sticking to playing a bad hand will likely result in a loss. And the more you play, the less keen you become, making it easier to make rookie mistakes.
The best alternative is to stick to good hands. And even then, play a few to play them well before you call it a day and leave the table.
2. Use Ranges
When you start in poker, the standard thinking at the table is what hand the other players have. But this thinking, which often comes down to gut feelings, can harm a good game. Instead of thinking about specific player hands, think about the range. Understand that all players can have a range of cards with different frequencies. And based on that, use the information available to you to think of the best move to come out on top.
3. Fold
This point may leave you wondering why such a strategy would work. But think about it like this. Most players stick to a hand even when they are not sure if it has the potential to win. And like playing a bad hand, not folding comes with many consequences. You might stay in the game too long only to lose more or even suffer a confidence dip because you knew you should have folded.
So, when should you fold? The first situation that requires folding is when you know it’s time. And the second one is when you are unsure if you should keep playing or fold. However, folding too soon can also negatively affect your winning streak. Thus, you should fold after having carefully considered your position.
4. Ditch Superstition
Even advanced poker players believe in the stars aligning in their favor. You may think starting any game with a 9 implies good luck, and you thus always stick to such hands. Or you think you will win the game if another player does X or Z. Such thinking is natural as it follows previous patterns. But it can also keep you from playing a good game. For example, if your starting hand does not have a 9 or other preferred number, you may drop it even if it has potential. Stick to objectivity instead.
5. Remember the Basics
As poker players advance, they focus more on the pot and the gameplay that they sometimes forget the essential factors as follows:
- Always have a budget that determines how long you stay in the game,
- Play the game when sober and when your mind is devoid of distractions, and
- Look out for weaknesses in your opponents and strike when the iron is hot.
Also, only play when you feel like playing.