#4: Details were not important to director Claudio Fragasso, which explains why there are so many goofs in the film. Daytime magically turns into nighttime, the color of a characters shirt changes, and other details and glaring continuity errors were not missed by the actors or viewers. When one of the actors asked Fragasso about continuity for a scene, he was told by the director that the details were not important.
In this scene, one of the film’s most sacred — “They’re eating her, and then they’re going to eat me! Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!” — you can clearly see a fly appear on the kid’s head around the 13-second mark. Evidently, Fragasso felt the line was delivered with enough power and passion that doing it again sans the fly was a waste of time.
#5: Troll 2 takes place in the fictional vacation town of Nilbog — which is “goblin” spelled backward. How anyone could roll into the place and believe it’s a vacation spot gets lumped into the “suspend disbelief” part of enjoying shitty movies. Otherwise, the film goes a little something like this:
“Wow, this place is a dump. Sorry, kids. I’m cool with staying in a shithole if there are things to do, but this place is a dusty hellpit. We’re leaving.”
Movie over.