New Pictures of Dead, Dying, Or Mutilated Snowmen

Snowmen are super fun to make because … wait, why is it fun to build snowmen again? Sorry, after seeing some of the psychopaths that became of certain anthropomorphic snow sculptures turn into it’s difficult for us to remember why we celebrate the creation of these menaces!  Aside from Frosty, name a snow or snowwoman that ever gave you anything more than frozen fingers and one less carrot to help correct your lousy vision. So it’s with great joy that we provide you with 16 glorious images of dead, dying, or otherwise mutilated snowmen …

16 Pictures of Dead, Dying, Or Mutilated Snowmen |

Seal Team 6 used have more important jobs to do.

16 Pictures of Dead, Dying, Or Mutilated Snowmen |

Depends for Men. Not even joking, buddy. We’ve used them: Why We Peed Our Pants At The Office.

16 Pictures of Dead, Dying, Or Mutilated Snowmen |

Anyone else feel like getting a pocket full or quarters, asking Mom for a ride to the mall, and playing Mortal Kombat all afternoon?