Reviews are a strong factor that sways consumer behavior. We rely on the opinions of others when purchasing a product or downloading an app. Positive comments increase the number of downloads and visibility of titles in app stores. Discover three simple but highly efficient tricks to encourage good feedback for a mobile application.
Replying to each and every review manually is unnecessary. It is time-consuming, and there are better ways to communicate attention. Companies use review management software for automatic filtering and accelerated response. Such systems are based on universal principles that work for any service, product, website, or app.

1. Make It Easy for Users
Today, users submit feedback through multiple channels, so their opportunities are not limited to app stores. In comparison, this method is the most complex as they need to visit the store, find your app, register, and write a comment. This does not look inspiring enough, particularly to those who are happy with your services.
So, what is a better alternative? Request feedback inside your app. It is easier to get a star rating if users only tap on the number of stars. One pop-up is enough: they do not have to take multiple steps to submit their opinion. You may then ask if they wish to leave a detailed comment.
After taking the first step, customers are more likely to elaborate on their rating in the store. This is a basic law of persuasion. It works across industries. Begin with a small request to gain increased engagement.
2. Add a Plugin
App review plugins are the easiest way to generate feedback. There are plenty of turnkey solutions, some of which are put in place in a couple of minutes. Specify the optimal period of time so the prompts do not appear prematurely. Then, when users click on the rating button, they are redirected to the app store automatically.
Remember that timing is crucial. Asking for feedback is pointless if the user has only just installed your app. Make sure they have tried it out, so they have an opinion. Otherwise, your requests will cause nothing but irritation.
3. Use Review Management Software
Dedicated systems allow companies to monitor feedback, respond to it, and resolve issues quickly. Respond at a click by means of a convenient dashboard. The environment can be also integrated with Slack, email, Zendesk, and dozens of other systems.
The software analyzes ratings, converting them into actionable insights. It generates a detailed overview of reviews for every version of your app, device, and country. The most common problems and utilized words are identified via semantic analysis.

Feedback Always Matters
The way you handle customer reviews may be crucial for your business. Users need to feel heard, respected, and valued. Implement cutting-edge tools to streamline response, and your download numbers are bound to grow.