4 Tips To Achieve Sexual Satisfaction Using Sex Toys

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Sex toys can be one of the most amazing ways to spice up your sex life, whether with a partner or yourself. Pleasure, however, requires you to have an open mind and cater to other aspects of your life. Otherwise, you might not experience the full capacity of your sex life even if you include sex toys if you’re not fully present or at ease.

As such, here are tips to help you achieve total sexual satisfaction using sex toys.

1. Cater To Your Mindset

Sex begins in the mind, which means how you think and how open you are to exploring new things can influence your overall experience. You can purchase the most quality sex toys in various packages from Fleshlight, for example, but for you to fully appreciate the magnitude of pleasure using the toys, your mindset towards using sex toys has to be aligned to this. 

Some of the factors that lead to a negative mindset regarding sex toys include;

  • Societal Taboos

Perhaps you may come from a background where the general society shuns sex toys. This means your mindset towards sex toys may be influenced to think of them as shameful or inappropriate. And so, if you try to use the sex toys without a shift in perception regarding them, you might not enjoy the experience as it may be anchored in shame and guilt. 

Sex toys are supposed to be fun and help enhance your sex life, not bring negative feelings. And so, if you find that you may be experiencing sexual repression somehow, you can speak to a sex therapist who may help you re-write your conceptions about sex toys so that you can confidently experience pleasure while using sex toys.

  • Failing To Communicate

If you’re looking into using sex toys with your partner, you have to communicate with them to achieve sexual satisfaction. Failing to communicate often leads to disappointment because your partner won’t know what you want and that you wish to use sex toys together. 

Communicating with your partner about this can sometimes feel daunting. Perhaps you’re feeling shy, or you simply don’t know how to begin. Whatever the case is, the key is to be open with your partner. You can explore different ways to communicate your desire to use sex toys with your partner. For example, you can talk about sex toys or show them the toys and how to use them.

  • Sexual Trauma

If you have experienced sexual trauma in some form, sex toys may be a painful area to explore as trauma may lead to a repressed approach towards sex. If that’s the case, consider speaking with a therapist who can help you navigate the experienced sexual trauma from a holistic point of view. Only then might you enjoy using sex toys, having healed from dynamics that otherwise hindered sexual pleasure.

2. Create A Pleasant Environment

Another way to achieve sexual satisfaction is to create a pleasant environment. The mood and vibe you create generally depend on you and your partner’s preferences. For instance, you can light scented candles, dim the lights, and play soft music. This doesn’t always have to be the case, but sometimes the right vibe can boost the moment and influence the sexual experiences when you include sex toys.

3. Listen To Your Partner

If you’re exploring sex toys with a partner, listening to them during sex while using sex toys is also essential. This is because listening also means noticing the responses to certain strokes or a particular toy. You may find that your partner responds better to a particular toy or vibration than another, even if they don’t verbalize this. The more you’re in tune with your partner’s verbal and non-verbal communication, the more you can explore the dynamics you both enjoy.

4. Purchase Quality Toys

For total satisfaction, you need to purchase quality sex toys. Note that compromising on quality could also mean compromising on your and your partner’s health and safety. You wouldn’t want a situation where either you or your partner gets injured because of a faulty product. 

With that, consider buying your sex toys from reputable stores. You can tell whether an online sex shop is legit based on reviews, recommendations, pricing, and speaking with the team when you reach out using the contact details provided on the website.

Wrapping Up

Sex is a continuous explorative process that requires an open mind. And while it may take some time for you to become fully comfortable with your sexuality and using sex toys, particularly if you have to cater to aspects of your mindset, you’ll eventually get there.

Avoid placing too much pressure on yourself to experience what others say you should or expect to reach a stage you heard others speak about. Be patient with yourself and your partner, remain mindful, and keep an open mind.