5 Cool Cases To Cover A Naked Phone


Smartphones are necessities, but they’re also expensive gadgets to own. And if your smartphone isn’t insured, you might be better off shelling out market price — as in, $500 or $600 — for a new one instead of paying roughly the same amount to get your old phone fixed. Those who do have insurance, we’re guessing, can find better ways to spend the $50 or $100 to replace the broken item. Right? Right.

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The easy solution: a case. Whether you’re a clumsy guy who needs a case that’ll withstand a rocket blast or a silicone cover that looks cool and repels liquid, at least one of these five cases should suffice …

waterproof case#1. E LV Waterproof Cases ($8 @ Amazon.com)
rely on a pouch to protect devices from rain, snow, mud, sand, and baby vomit. The case is a little more than a half-inch thick and weighs 1.4 ounces. Overall, it’s perfect for activities but you might want to consider something slimmer for formal events. Well, unless you want to appear like theirs a chub in your front pocket …

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waterproof cases for smartphones bottle opener#2. Bolkin Bottle Opener Series Shockproof Cover Case for Samsung Galaxy S4 ($10 @ Amazon.com)

The case is shockproof and includes a mini-kickstand for easier cat video viewing. The best feature, obviously, is the bottle opener. Which of course goes great with the fact that the case protects your phone against drops since you’ll probably drop — or hurl it against a wall — after one too many brews or if you’re a Jets fan.