Axe’s Black Body Wash Made Us Smell Way Less Rancid Than We Normally Do

AXE Black Body WashFor years, Axe has worked at overhauling its image as a brand that produces men’s grooming products reserved solely for boner-sporting dudes who wash up with the hopes that their fresh and clean skin would help them get laid more. And Axe has done a fantastic job at making that change.  (Although, to be fair, smelling fresh and clean never hurt anyone’s odds — frat boy or fat boy — of getting laid.)

We’ve appreciated their previous releases, including Matte Effect, White Label and Signature lines — and we continue to use White Label Night Cooling Cream. And even after trying Black Body Wash ($4), we’re on board with it as well.

Also Read: 9 Grooming Habits That Turn Off All Women

Now, we’re not trying to overhype it — it’s a body wash, after all. We lathered it up with our loofahs (that’s right, we use loofahs!), and successfully rid our filthy bodies of grime and stank and replaced it with notes of rosemary, cedarwood, and bergamot. And afterward, we smelled good — and goddamnit, our skin feels good, too. Also, despite having no effect on how well the product works, we dig the sleek label, too.

Did we get laid because we used it? No, we didn’t. Also, why are you so nosey?

Check out more about it at, and buy it basically anywhere that sells grooming products or Amazon.
Also Read: Consider Splurging For These 4 Men’s Body Washes