Best Fans To Cool Your Sweltering Apartment

best fans for sweaty guys

Best Fans For Guys With Sweltering Apartments`

If you’re not going to splurge for an air conditioning unit or turn your home into an igloo, investing in a quality fan for your budget can help you keep cool during the dog days of summer. But which fans should you opt for? Here are a few terrific options …

vornado best fan

Vornado 660 Whole Room Air Circulator ($100)

We stock our offices with Vornados. We love them. They screw up our hairstyles every day during the summer, but who the hell cares; it’s the price we pay to combat pit stains. The Vornado 660 Whole Room Air Circulator has the ability to move air up to 100 feet. A majority of customers say that it successfully makes up for its steep price tag. The four-speed fan is terrific for maintaining air circulation in a medium-sized room. The chrome glide allows you to adjust the position

This Vornado Whole Room Air Circulator has the ability to move air up to 100 feet. The four-speed fan is terrific for maintaining air circulation in a medium-sized room. The chrome glide allows you to adjust the position any way you wish, while you may also use the remote for control or oscillation.

On the other hand, it must be said that the fan circulates the air perfectly on its own, so there’s little to no need for any adjustments. It also gets solid marks for noise; while not whisper-quiet it’s not going to cause you to scream to talk speak to someone sitting next to you, either.

best fans for men honeywell

Honeywell HT-900 TurboForce Air Circulator Fan ($28)

It’s one of the best and most affordable ways to cool down your home by providing just enough air circulation to get things moving. Of course, if you live in a sweltering sweat lodge, you’ll just be blowing the hot air around your tiny space. In that case, you’ll need a new air conditioner.  The downside: it’s pretty noisy when it’s blowing on high, but what did you expect for less than $30, you cheapskate?