Fun Ideas for a Casual First Date

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If you’ve been in the dating game for a while now, then you’re already familiar with the woes that first dates often bring. After a while, the classic dinner or coffee date gets a bit stale, and you’re left with a stalled conversation that’s not giving you or your date a chance to get to know each other or enjoy a decent evening. Sometimes a simple change of location can do you a world of good, and even if your date doesn’t work out, you can at least say you’ve had fun doing something interesting. With that in mind, here are a few first-date suggestions to get you started.

Go to a Casino

Nothing brings a bit of excitement to the table like heading to a casino and giving some of the games a try. Going to a casino can be a great location for a date. You and your date can play a few rounds of Blackjack, Poker, or try your luck on the slots. The atmosphere in casinos is always high-energy and enjoying a few complimentary drinks is always a viable option. If you decide to give this type of date a shot, we recommend you play a casino game at Casimba before your outing. This way you can impress your date with your game knowledge and pick up a few tricks at a premium online casino.

Play at an Arcade

This type of date follows a similar pattern to the casino one. Arcades are an excellent place to have some fun at. The nostalgia of these places coupled with the classic 90’s hit games accounts for time well spent even if you and your date don’t click. As most arcades are now aimed at an older crowd looking to be reminded of simpler times, you can find many of them offering solid food options and even a bar where you and your date grab a drink in-between your gaming session.

Watch Stand-up Comedy

Stand-up comedy shows might not give you and your date a lot of time to converse during the set, but they’re a good time whether you get a word in or not. Nothing brings people together like sharing a laugh, and if all goes well, you can have some dinner afterward and discuss how you felt about the routine. The show itself is sure to give you a lot of material to talk about later, so you can expect a nice chill conversation that doesn’t cover the usual boring first date topics.

Visit a Karaoke Bar

Karaoke Bars have become quite popular in recent years. The trend started in Japan and quickly spread all over the globe, and we can see why. While it might not seem like a karaoke bar is an appropriate place for a date, in reality, it’s quite perfect. These places often serve top-notch cocktails that are an easy conversation started, and both you and your date get a chance to embarrass yourself from the get-go with your singing skills if you’re feeling brave enough.