How to Celebrate Doljabi During COVID

One special occasion that’s changed since COVID is Doljabi, which is the main celebratory event of a Korean first birthday bash. Purchasing a Doljabi Set and being with friends and family while the baby chooses his or her items is a memory that’ll last a lifetime. COVID has changed the way people all over the world celebrate special occasions like Doljabi, but changing how we celebrate doesn’t mean we have to lose the joy of those moments.

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Setup a Virtual Doljabi and Have the Party at Home

While you might not think virtual birthday parties are fun, it’s a great way to enjoy the company of all of your family and friends without having to be physically together. It’s not difficult to use video conferencing software such as Skype or Zoom and celebrate Doljabi inside or outside with the chosen Doljabi Set. This is the best option if your child is immuno-compromised or if another person in your household suffers from medical issues.

Purchase 2 Go-Pro Cameras or Similar Items

During the planning phase of the event, you must plan out which rooms you want to use for the Doljabi. You’re going to need to purchase a few Go-Pro cameras or other similar recording items so that during the birthday bash your family can see the Doljabi Set. Zoom allows for a primary and secondary video feed to show at once in the Zoom Room and other conferencing applications are similar.

Order Party Decorations Online & Have Them Shipped

Instead of renting out a restaurant or indoor area for your event, create your Doljabi celebration at home. There are also several companies and people that cater to the dol-specific celebration including renting out the dol table sets and shipping them to your location. The table design can be modern or more traditional and you just try to replicate it.

It’s also possible to order Korean food locally or have special items shipped to you so that you still get the entire food experience, such as the signature ddukk. You can take the photos yourself instead of hiring a photographer, which is safer. The pictures should feature your child with the Doljabi Set and other notable moments, including your child eating the dessert.

Tips for Celebrating Doljabi with Family & Friends In-Person

If you must invite people over for the celebration, you must adhere to the recommendations in your local area to ensure the safety of everyone attending. There are specific guidelines that you should follow and make the guidelines known to all who would be attending the event beforehand so that everyone is on the same page.

Make Small Hand Sanitizing Gift Bags

Set up a table by the front door if the event will be inside and make a small gift bag that’s full of hand sanitizer, masks, and other items that will keep your guests safe. If you want people to use the hand sanitizer you can also make your own with seasonal scents. It’s a great gesture to show that you’re trying to be safe but want to have your family over to see the Doljabi Set and celebration.

Arrange Tables for People in Same House

If space allows, you can set up tables and chairs so that people from the same household are sitting together. A lot of people call these pods, which are when you have family from the same house in their small area. Put 6-feet of space between the tables and make sure each table has sanitizing spray and alcohol wipes available.