How to Stop Being Taken For Granted In a Relationship

It can be difficult to feel taken for granted in a relationship. There can be many reasons why this happens, but it is important to recognize when it is happening and take steps to ensure that your needs are met.

This article outlines how to stop being taken for granted in a relationship, so you can have a healthy and fulfilling relationship with the person you love. With the right steps and attitude, you can create a relationship where both partners are happy and respected.

What are some signs that you are being taken for granted in a relationship?

  • Your partner does not appreciate your efforts and contributions to the relationship.
  • Your partner does not value your opinion or listens to what you have to say.
  • Your partner takes things for granted, such as not doing any chores around the house or taking care of basic responsibilities like paying bills on time.
  • Your partner makes decisions without consulting you first, leaving you feeling ignored and unimportant.
  • Unexpected changes in plans which leave you feeling frustrated or left out of the loop when it comes to decision-making in the relationship.
  • You often feel neglected and undervalued by your partner, despite all the effort you put into making them happy and the relationship successful.

How to Stop Being Taken For Granted In a Relationship

1. Understand that you are not responsible for someone else’s feelings: It is important to remember that you are not responsible for the feelings of your partner. You cannot control or change how they feel, and it is unfair to put this responsibility on yourself. Accepting the fact that you can’t control or manage their emotions will help you stop feeling taken for granted in your relationship.

2. Set boundaries and stick to them: Boundaries are essential in any healthy relationship. Setting clear guidelines on what behaviors you won’t tolerate and enforcing those boundaries is a good way to make sure both partners’ needs are being met. If someone takes advantage of your kindness and ignores your boundaries, don’t be afraid to take action to enforce them.

3. Communicate your needs and wants honestly and openly: When it comes to relationships, communication is key. You need to be honest about your feelings and needs, in order for both partners to understand each other’s point of view. Showing vulnerability can feel scary, but being open with your partner helps you create a stronger bond between the two of you.

4. Don’t take on more than you can handle: It is important not to overextend yourself or try to do too much for the other person in a relationship. Taking on responsibilities that are beyond what you can manage can lead to resentment if not properly communicated or managed. Make sure that any tasks or duties you take on are within your abilities in order for your relationship to remain healthy.

5. Value yourself, even if the other person doesn’t: Feeling taken for granted can be a sign that you are not valuing yourself enough in the relationship. It is important to recognize and appreciate all that you bring to the table and stop any behavior that implies otherwise. Make sure to set aside time each day to focus on taking care of yourself, so that you can stay confident and positive in the relationship.

6. Don’t be afraid to end the relationship if it’s not healthy for you: If things don’t seem to improve after following steps 1-5, it may be time to consider ending the relationship. It is important to remember that you always have the choice to walk away from something that is no longer healthy for you. Taking action will help you move on and find a relationship where both partners are respected and valued.

Ending a relationship can be difficult but if it’s not healthy for either of you, it may be for the best in the long run. By following these steps, you can take control of your relationships and ensure that your needs are met without feeling taken for granted. With the right attitude and actions, you can create a healthy relationship that is mutually beneficial and rewarding.

Why do people take their partners for granted?

People take their partners for granted because they feel entitled to the relationship. They may start to assume that their partner will always be there and available, without taking the time to show appreciation or return the effort put in. This can lead them to act as if they don’t need to work on the relationship or put in any effort at all, causing the other person to feel taken for granted.

It is important to remember that relationships take time, effort, and communication in order to be successful. Without these things, it can be easy for one or both partners to start feeling taken for granted.  People should also keep in mind that no relationship is perfect and that there will always need to be work put in for it to remain healthy.  

Taking the time to communicate openly, set boundaries, and value yourself can help prevent feelings of being taken for granted from forming in the first place.  By putting effort into a relationship, both partners can avoid this issue and create a strong and lasting connection.  It is important to remember that relationships take time and effort to maintain in order for them to be successful. Taking the necessary steps to ensure that your needs are met can help you create a healthy and respectful relationship.

Overall, it is important to remember that no one should have to feel taken for granted in their relationship. Taking the time to communicate openly, set boundaries, and value yourself can help prevent feelings of being taken for granted from forming. Additionally, if a relationship is no longer healthy or one partner is feeling taken for granted, they should not be afraid to end it in order to find something better. By taking steps towards a healthier relationship, both partners can create a strong and lasting connection.