They’re hairy, some of them are big, and they all have a pretty awful reputation. But the fact is, tarantulas won’t kill you. “The Chilean rose is the most common variant of pet tarantula, and I’ve been bitten by them a lot,” Kaae explains. “One got me pretty deep once, and there was swelling along with a few heart palpitations, but it was no big deal. When my wife was bitten, she had tingling and numbness up her arm and across her back. But nobody’s ever died from a tarantula bite as far as I know.”
That said, Kaae’s wife still has two tiny fang-sized holes in her hand thanks to toxins that basically melted her flesh. “When a spider bites, it injects a venom that contains an enzyme that dissolves tissue,” he explains. “They dissolve their prey from the inside out.”