Vince Vaughn’s First WSOP Defeat: What Went Wrong?

Vince Vaughn who is the star of Old School, Wedding Crashers and of course, Dodgeball has announced that he is the Master of Ceremonies for the WSOP this year. He gave the shuffle up and deal announcement when at the final table for the WSOP and he also returned for a lot of other promotional work as well. When he finished, he took the opportunity to enter his gold-bracelet tournament for the very first time. He entered event number 79 and this game was known as the Hall of Fame Bounty. The idea of the game is that every HOF player has a bounty on their head so there are certainly a lot of high stakes.

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Even though Vince Vaughn is not a member of the Poker Hall of Fame, he did have a target on his back. Jack Effel stated that he is putting a bounty of $10,000 on his head and this brought a smile to the players who were partaking. They were at the second table in the Brasilia room. Vaughn took his seat at Level 6 and there was 7:10 left. In his very first game in the WSOP, he chose to fold his hand to the small blind, who then tossed in his chips. He meant to call, but because the amount is constituted to raises of 1,200, he couldn’t. This trick forced him to release his hands. Over the next few rounds, he folded as a lot of the players interacted with him. When you look at the WSOP events so far, which are sponsored by GGPoker, you will soon see that there has been a lot of celebrity action which has increased exponentially year on year.

Eli Elezra and Vince Vaughn

Eli Elezra has said that he wanted a table change. He was earlier in the day and he was inducted not the Hall of Fame. He said he had no doubt in his mind that he wanted a shot at Vaughn. The ambassador for GGPoker, who is Daniel Negreanu chose to swing by to offer a bit of advice to Vaughn. He told him how to deal with the target on his back and he also told him not to try and bluff the players who he is up against.

Poker Hall of Fame Bounty Event

Eventually, the break started to roll out and Vaughn didn’t appear at all during Level 7. He was then blinded off. Rumour has it that he was busy in the commentary booth or he had to go and attend to some other obligations. He then came back around Level 8 and he folded four hands before he chose to get involved. It started when he limped from the middle position and then the cation folded to the small blind. They limped and Kunal Patni then chose to raise 4,000 from the big blind. Vaughn, who tried to remain calm, cool and collected chose to grab his entire stack and went all in. The player in the small blind position folded and everyone knew that Patni would call because it is his go-to. Vaughn had an Ace of Diamonds and a Jack of Spades. Kunal had a Queen and Jack of hearts. Vaughn was the favourite to win at over 60% but it ultimately came down to the fact that the other player had the better hand, which was a very surprising situation, to say the least. Who knows what the future holds for Vaughn, but right now, it would seem that there is a lot of positivity ahead in terms of his poker ability.