Some people can really piss you off, and some people just want to be pissed on. Believe it or not, urinating on others is a popular fetish and has recently been getting a lot of press. So why is everyone getting so worked up about it?
If you are new to the world of watersports and golden showers, fear not. Below we answer the question “What is a golden shower?” and give you all the facts and figures on the hobby of urolagnia.
What Is a Golden Shower?
A golden shower is an act of urinating on a person or being urinated on, for sexual gratification. Although this is usually direct, it may be that one person urinates into a vessel, such as a glass or a bottle, then applies it.
Golden showers can obviously get messy. Some people prefer to do it in a bathtub or shower cubicle, while others may put down special sheeting to assist in the cleanup. Some people may even clean it up by drinking it.
You may also hear the term ‘water sports’ spoken about when discussing golden showers. This is an umbrella term for any sexual act that involves some element or urine play.
History of the Golden Shower
The correct term for a golden shower is urolagnia. This comes from the ancient Greek words ouron, meaning urine, and lagneia, meaning lust. It is categorized as a paraphilia, an intense excitement of sexual arousal relating to places, people, and events.
According to the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang, the concept and definition of a golden shower date back to 1943. Its earliest recorded mention in literature was in the 1972 memoirs of a prostitute entitled The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander. In it, she discussed a famous television producer who would pay her to perform the act of a golden shower on him.
Its first mention in popular music was in the 1979 song “Bobby Brown Goes Down” by Frank Zappa. Frank explains that he can “take about an hour on the tower of power, as long as I gets a little golden shower”.
Can You Combine It With Other Fetishes?
Golden showers are usually combined with domination and humiliation fetishes. For someone to release their waste upon you is the ultimate act of degradation, which many people can gain sexual thrills from. Some people may like to just watch it, while others may like to combine it with oral sex at the same time.
A BDSM golden shower is one that is directly related to aspects of humiliation. In this type of scenario, the submissive partner will be peed on or made to drink the urine of the dominant. This can be done via a funnel, cup, or fresh from the bladder.
What Is the Attraction?
Golden showers and urine fetishes are quite prevalent in the fetish scene. Many people crave the humiliation aspect of being peed on. For others, it can be a totally sensory experience.
The warmth and smell can trigger intimacy between people. The element of it being a private act can also help with this bond building. Of course, many people may be just outright exhibitionists and get off on it for the thrill of being watched.
Are There Hygiene Issues?
Urine is actually not as filthy as people imagine. While the concept of it being sterile is a myth, urine is quite a clean waste. Unless the person doing the pee has an infection, everything should be fine. Therefore, you can get as dirty as you like, while managing to stay safe.
Everything contains bacteria, especially that which exists in our body. However, not all bacteria are bad, and this can be the type that exists in your urine, the positive, good, healthy bacterium. The urine may gain some extra bacteria as it leaves the body and touches the skin, but this will be minimal.
Could It Be Good for You?
Urotherapy is a genuine treatment that some people pay a lot of money for. These are essentially pee facials (in a cosmetic rather than sexual sense) that involve dabbing urine on the skin to clear blemishes and spots. Once dried, it is rinsed away with water.
Claims are that it can assist in a number of skin ailments such as acne and eczema. It is believed that uric acid and urea help exfoliate and nourish the skin, leaving it healthy and revitalized. People who undertake the procedure also claim that urine from the first stream of the morning is better, as it contains more of these substances.
However, some people have claimed that it can cause irritation and create more problems than before. Urine actually also contains very little urea, with most skincare products packing in much more. Tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar have been touted as much better alternatives.
Is It Safe?
Golden showers are safer than the sharing of many other bodily fluids and will tend to carry less risk of infection. They can be dangerous if the person peeing has any bladder or urinary tract infections, HPV, or yeast infections.
So Where Do I Do It?
Many fetish clubs and adult sex clubs will hold water sports and golden shower nights. In fact, it is almost certain any self-respecting S&M club will.
Oddly enough, many hotels, particularly high-end ones, will be more than willing to let you try watersports in their suites without incurring any extra cost. While some may add a few, a few even ask you to state your intent before you arrive so they can put waterproof mattress protectors on the bed.
If this is not your thing, then it will have to be in the comfort of your own home. If you have a large bath or shower cubicle, this would be an ideal place to begin. If not, you can think about putting down plastic sheets or special golden shower sheets available in sex shops.
Some people even suggest inflatable pools. A kitchen with a wipe-clean, tiled floor could also work.
Tips for the Perfect Shower
Firstly, find the right partner. A golden shower has to turn both parties (or more) on. If one of you is really not into it, then it is probably best to let it go and find another fetish you may both enjoy.
Plan in advance, and make sure you drink plenty of fluids on the day of the shower. Your shower should not be golden, it should be a healthy clear color. You can achieve this by drinking plenty of water.
It is advised that you do this at nighttime. In the morning, your body has been storing most of its waste overnight. You may find urine at this time of day is a bit powerful.
You can make the whole experience more pleasant by stocking up on some foods and omitting others. Garlic and asparagus are a definite no, while pineapple and strawberries can make it smell sweeter and nicer.
Next, decide on the place you will perform your task. As mentioned before, clubs and hotels could be a good idea, or pee proof your own home for the occasion.
Lastly, take your time. Many people cannot pee on demand, particularly when aroused. Enjoy the moment, feel relaxed with each other, and stay safe.
There are a number of variations, some of which may not be to everyone’s taste. One of the simpler ones is the wetting of clothes, where people pee themselves or watch others do it for sexual gratification.
In the fetish community, the use of a human urinal is often a kink that some people have. The desire may be to act as a human urinal or actually be the urinal itself.
The final variation is named Omorashi. It involves gaining pleasure from the holding of urine, either holding your own, making another person hold theirs, or watching someone hold in their urine. The sexual pleasure comes from watching the tension and expressions in the person holding in the pee, or from the feeling that a full, bursting bladder can bring.
What Toys and Tools Can I Buy?
There are a number of tools and toys you can buy relating to watersports. The most useful of these are the plastic and latex bed coverings and sheets available in adult shops. They allow a quick and easy clean up after golden shower sessions.
There are also full watersports play kits available on the market. They often come with a lot of goodies like syringes and flow restrictors, allowing you more control over your wet party games. They may even have an extension hose or control valve.
Some products, such as the REAL WHIZZINATOR-XXX, even come with dried or synthetic urine to use during your games. This is particularly handy for anyone suffering from stage fright or lack of pee. This product has actually been used not just for watersports, but for unscrupulous sportsmen to pass drug tests.
Synthetic Urine
Synthetic urine is a substance made in a laboratory to simulate natural urine in the body. It has the appearance, chemical properties, and makeup of human pee. It even has the same PH levels and components.
Synthetic urine that comes in kits or toys will probably be in powdered form. However, you can get it in ready-made solutions.
While you are most likely to use it for sex games, to bolster the levels of urine in your play, people have used it to pass drug tests. Because of this, it is becoming harder to find outside of water sports kits.
Why Is It Suddenly the Topic of Conversation?
In October 2016, the blog and news website Mother Jones posted an article about a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump. It was alleged a veteran spy had handed the information to the FBI. This resulted in a report that investigated Trump’s alleged collusion with the Russian regime.
However, while a few people worried about the leader of the U.S.A. allegedly working with a foreign government, the rest of the world focused on the pee tape. This tape was supposedly evidence against Trump or at least leverage.
The video in question showed Trump at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Moscow. At the time, Trump was visiting Moscow to be at the Ms. Universe contest and was staying in a room once used by the Obama family.
In the video, it is claimed that Trump pays two prostitutes to urinate on a bed the Obama family slept in, while he watched. Although this is technically not a golden shower, he is supposedly deriving pleasure from the act of urination.
Trump has denied the allegations, citing them as fake news. All of this news also came out at a time when the former director of the FBI was promoting a new book, so it could have been a publicity stunt.
The golden shower has had a number of celebrity endorsements other than Donald Trump. Latino pop sensation Ricky Martin once admitted that he thought the golden shower was an extremely sexy act. This led to a backlash from the conservative elements in his country, who even asked him to step down as a charitable ambassador.
R Kelly also brought golden showers into the news in his alleged underage sex scandal. In the charges he was eventually cleared of, a video surfaced of him peeing on underage girls.
Wet and Wild
Now you just have to decide if the fetish is for you, and the only way to do that is to try it out! You can now answer the question “what is a golden shower?”, so surely you should be willing to give it a go, even just once?
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