Your Handy Guide to Live Dealer Roulette

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When it comes to playing roulette there are many different versions and many different styles of play, you can be in a casino, online, on an app, on your tablet, on a laptop, and each style has its own quirks and features. So when it comes to live dealer roulette what is it and how do you play it? gives you the inside scoop on the way to play.

So what exactly is live dealer roulette? Well, the clues are in the name, what it means is that when you play there is actually a croupier stood somewhere in a studio who is in control of your game, and you are dealing directly with them rather than just a computer simulation. This doesn’t necessarily mean to say that you will be able to see them and or talk to them, but they will be the one that is in control of the game. That being said a number of live dealer offering do feature a live video stream of either the wheel, the croupier or both. This adds a level of realism to the games and is more akin to you being sat at a seat in a real-life casino. It also means that the environment is less sterile than a simple computer simulation, and as a punter, you can be sure that the wheel and everything on screen is being fair to you as a player. This is one of the reasons why this form of casino app appeals to a number of players.

In terms of gameplay, a live dealer roulette table is the same as you would see in any other casino establishment. There are two standard versions of the roulette wheel, these being the American version and the European version. The European version of the roulette wheel features the standard numbers 1-36 along with a zero. This gives the player around 2.7% loss overall, which is a fairly standard payout. The American version features not only the 1-36 and zero of the European version, but also adds a double zero spot as well. This gives the house a slightly higher advantage, and features player loses of around 5.26%, so this variant is slightly better for the house and worse for the player. However, the draw of these different versions is in the ability to be playing American roulette on a real table located in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, the worldwide home of gambling. Or how about playing European roulette on a table that is being live streamed from Monaco, with all the glitz and glamour of that location. As a player you can live out your dreams of visiting casinos all over the globe and being able to see and experience the sights of the different casinos. This adds an edge to your playing and makes the whole experience feel more real to you. You can get apps that offer this live dealer experience on both desktop and mobile, with a number of different apps available. So get out there and play.