2. “I’m not looking for anything serious.”
A shocking number of my male friends have said this to me when discussing their confusion over the behavior of a woman they’re dating: “I don’t understand — I told her I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship.” You may think you’re covering your ass, but the second these words leave your mouth, one of two things will most likely happen: 1) She’ll write you off and you’ll miss out on a chance to see if you had any real chemistry going (short-term or otherwise), or 2) she will tell you that she’s not looking for anything serious either, and you’ll find yourself complaining to a female friend two months later about how she suddenly wants to make your relationship exclusive.
I hate to break it to you, but women don’t generally go on dates just to get laid. We could go to a bar or club — or just stand in the middle of the street and clear our throat — if we wanted to find guys to simply sleep with.