Top Shampoos for Men
I have never understood why many guys think it’s wise to research which razor is best for shaving or which boxers will best keep swass at bay, but they would never think about doing homework on which shampoo works for them. (It’s because razors can be used as deadly weapons. Obviously. —Ed.)
I’m not here to lecture you, but if you’re on the fence about hair care let me tell you this as simply as possible — all guys with hair should take care of their hair. Period. And it’s not just because women notice and appreciate guys with hair that looks and smells good. Although to be fair, “hair” was in the top five of things women notice in surveys conducted by Pantene and Murine (an eye drop manufacturer in the UK). It’s more about the fact that literally everyone you come in contact with notices the state of your hair.
Pictured: Redken For Men Densify Shampoo ($47 @
When a guy has grungy hair everyone from potential clients, supervisors, bosses, friends of friends, and anyone else with eyes and a working olfactory system perceives that person to A) not take care of themselves and B) connect that inability to take care of themselves with an inability to handle responsibility pertaining to work, relationships, etc.
When a guy has grungy hair everyone from potential clients, supervisors, bosses, friends of friends, and anyone else with eyes and a working olfactory system perceives that person to A) not take care of themselves and B) connect that inability to take care of themselves with an inability to handle responsibility pertaining to work, relationships, etc.
In other words, there is no downside to taking care of your hair. So I’m going to make it easy for you with a straightforward countdown of the best shampoos for guys, which saves you from reading men’s shampoo reviews (trust me, they’re not as riveting as they sound). Be sure to take note of the kind that’s best for your hair type and if it costs you a little extra coin, so be it. You can justify it by reminding yourself that it’ll only end up costing you two cocktails or beers on a Saturday night out. I’m not saying drink less, I’m just suggesting you booze a little more at home before hitting the town.
If you just read this once and make your choice, you’ll be able to mindlessly buy the same shampoo for the rest of your life…unless, of course, you go bald.