9 Directors Who Hate, Hate, Hated Their Own Films

#7. Stitches (1985)  |  Director: Rod Holcomb
What was meant to be a comedic look at the misadventures of a trio of medical school students turned into a cancer of cinema. Holcomb realized this, apparently.

#8. The Shrimp on the Barbie (1990)  |  Director: Michael Gottlieb
With a lame title that was pilfered from an Australian TV commercial, there was little material that comedian Cheech Marin could use to save this film. Essentially, he took his character from Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke and made him a little edgier as he played the faux boyfriend of a well-to-do Australian heiress. It was even worse than it sounds, and Gottlieb — who directed other shitty films like A Kid in King Author’s Cout and Mr. Nanny starring Hulk Hogan — couldn’t accept credit.

Solar_Crisis_Film #9 Solar Crisis (1990)  | Director: Richard C. Sarafian
The plot: Japan and American plan to blow up the sun to save the world from … ah, who cares. The bizarre concept, convoluted script, and piss-poor acting lef Sarafian with one choice: torpedo his name from this eventual bomb.

Movies They Should Show In High SchoolAlso Read: 13 Movies They Should Show High School Students
Instead of Romeo and Juliet why not show kids, uh, Kids?
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