Film: Back to the Future Part II (1989)
What: Steven Spielberg’s kid gets a shout out
It’s a tough one to spot, and even tougher in the screengrab we chose — nice work, editors — but on the theater’s awning you can see the director of Jaws 19 is Max Spielberg. Director Steven Spielberg, who directed the original Jaws and served as executive producers of all three BTTF installments had a son named Max who was born in 1985.
Also: 40 Back to the Future Facts Movie Facts
Film: Evil Dead 2 (1987)
What: Freddy’s glove
Though the sequels and remake were letdowns, Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street broke new grounds in 1984 in terms of visual effects and, yes, storytelling. Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead 2, which was essentially a remake of Evil Dead, pays tribute to Freddy Krueger’s reign of terror on the tranquil, tree-lined Elm St. By subtly displaying Krueger’s Wolverine-esque glove during the scene in which Ash lops off his arm and fixes a chainsaw to his stub.