Film: Slither (2006)
What: A nod to The Thing (1982)
Slither, a well-done (albet stomach-churning) homage to B horror movies, gave props to John Carpenter’s classic The Thing in the opening sequence. The name of the funeral home — RJ McCready’s Funeral Home — connects to Kurt Russell’s character in the thing, R.J. MacReady.
Film: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
What: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robin Williams get new film roles
Although he did make a mean Hamlet in the underrated The Last Action Hero, we can’t see Arnold Schwarzenegger as the lead King Lear (although he attempted to display his acting chops in Maggie). Seeing the late Robin Williams cast in what looks to be a family-friendly comedy, Jack and the Beanstalks, and Tom Hanks in Tsunami Sunrise — which looks like it could be Cast Away 2 — seems more plausible.