7 Grooming Products Women Will Notice

men's grooming products women love body wash#3. For the woman with a great sense of humor (and smell)
If she likes funny things — and good-looking shirtless dudes like Terry Crews — she no doubt loves the Old Spice Guy in those commercials. And honestly, who doesn’t? Splash on some Old Spice Swagger body wash ($17 for a 3 pack @ Amazon.com) and lather up in the shower to adopt the O.S.G.’s clean, fresh scent that lasts up to eight straight hours.

As far as actually obtaining the same type of physique as him goes, that’s another story. You’re going to have to hop on the treadmill and pump out a few billion crunches if you’re after those abs. Well, that and you need to quit eating lard balls and grease fillets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekends.

men's grooming products women love clay mask

#4. For the woman who loves the spa
You don’t need to stock your bathroom with bonsai trees or hang watercolor paintings to give her the spa treatment. Turn your “home office” into a Zen garden in a few easy steps: Set out a scented candle, toss a clean towel (not the one you got for free when you signed up for a credit card at the game) near the sink, run her a bath with soaking salt, and cap it off with a bottle of Zirh’s Clay Mask Skin Detoxifier ($23 @ Amazon.com).

Yes, clay mask. We know — the only mask you own is the Jason one you wear every Halloween, but adding Zirh’s to your collection will be worth it for both of you. She’ll like the anti-aging B vitamins; you can get into the cool Tron-style packaging, its ability to remove excess oil from pores, and feeling like Arnold Schwarzenegger coating mud on his face in Predator when you apply it.