How to Combat Weight Gain During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Amid the COVD-19 pandemic, many of the things we take for granted are now adversely affected. This pandemic is no less than a global upheaval that has disrupted everyone’s lives. While a lot of people might be comfortable within their homes, the same cannot be said for people who live extremely active lifestyles.

To some people, fitness is not just a hobby or an interest, but rather, it is a way of life, and the pandemic we are currently enduring has disrupted that way of life. Quarantine life is challenging, in the kindest definition, and we are all struggling mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s understandable to want to suspend your fitness routine, especially when you rely heavily on gym equipment.

It is important, now, more than ever, that we maintain our health. It’s easy to succumb to the many temptations of an idle life, and weight gain is one of the things that could not only potentially ruin your fitness progress, but if left alone, might eventually reach an unhealthy level . It’s difficult to regain lost progress, after all. So, what are some ways that you can help manage your weight during the pandemic?

Shop Wisely

Any health-conscious person knows the importance of a healthy diet. The problem with living with a pandemic is that movement is severely restricted, which means that you won’t be able to buy food items at your leisure. This means that you have to plan your shopping list ahead of time. It’s important to stay organized and to buy a variety of fresh, frozen, and canned food to sustain you for at least a week. Fruits and vegetables have to be in ample supply, and if you’re planning on buying fish, make sure to consume it or freeze it within three days.

Manage Your Stress Levels

It’s understandable, if not expected, that a lot of people are under duress during these difficult times. It’s not easy to strike a balance between cabin fever, isolation, financial difficulties, and of course, the general fear of the COVID-19 virus.

It’s important to manage stress because stress will often lead to poor eating choices, which will also increase the levels of unwanted fat in your body.

Simple things like practicing self-care routines (such as taking a hot bath), reading a good book, talking to your friends online, or even playing video games can help you manage your stress levels. You might even want to learn how to practice mindfulness.

However, for those who are truly struggling with their anxiety, there are many online support groups that will be more than happy to help you.

A Med Spa Weight Loss Program Can Help

While the COVID-19 pandemic has created a stressful situation for everyone, if weight loss has become a struggle, you might consider enrolling in a medical spa weight loss program such as offered by

Some of the of the advantages are:

  • Work to lose weight in a calming environment
  • Access diets that have been tailored to meet the needs of each individual participant
  • Improvements in your overall physical health
  • Work with experts who have been specifically trained to help people lose weight
  • Sustainable plans that help people not only lose weight but also keep it off for good

Get The Right Amount Of Sleep

As with all things, it’s important to get just the right amount of sleep. Too much and too little sleep have been proven to influence weight gain, whether it’s in an increased appetite or in your body’s diminished ability to manage blood sugar levels.

Even as your daily routine has been up-ended by the pandemic, it’s important to maintain a normal sleep schedule. This also means that you have to observe good pre-sleeping habits such as avoiding excess alcohol before bedtime, or keeping your room dark and putting your phone down at least an hour before bed. This will help you sleep sooner, which also means that you get more sleep.

Stay Active

It’s also given that since quarantine, you’re bound to burn less calories than when you were active at the gym or at your training ground of choice. Since access to these facilities is restricted, it’s going to be difficult to burn the same amount of calories, especially if your exercise routines revolve around these facilities. However, this shouldn’t stop you from exercising regularly.

There’s simply too much idle time on most people’s hands during a self-quarantine. This is especially true with work-from-home work models, and online classes, where we are forced to sit in front of our computers for extended periods of time. Couple this with the temptation to simply stay home all day and to binge watch all day and they all add up to several hundred extra calories to burn.

There are many home workout routines that you can find online. Exercise disciplines such as calisthenics are popular during quarantine because it’s a very effective discipline that doesn’t require any exercise equipment.