#17. Get Your Stuff Sorted Out
There’s always lots to do around the house. Of course, we’re talking about home improvement. One of the cool things about the age we live in is all the technology. These days apps can do half your work for you, in a sense. Workflowy app (also available on iOS and Android). For those of you constantly using sticky notes and the like, this app will streamline your efforts. You can create lists for short-term tasks and errands as well as long-term projects, and add it all to your desktop workspace. You can do all of that on the fly, as you break out each bullet point to a practically infinite amount.
#18. Plastic Tool and Supply Tote Caddy ($11 @ Amazon.com)
Along with getting a caddy to keep under the sink so cleaning supplies aren’t hidden, you can also mount a tension rod underneath the sink and hang spray bottles from it. Another tip: Don’t stash all of your cleaning supplies in one place. Keep them in the room you use them in. (Bathroom cleaner in the bathroom, etc.)
#19. Sterilite Large Flip Top Storage Box (Set of 6 for $17 @ Amazon.com)
Stackable and see-through, these hinged latch lids enable you to put in electronics and “junk drawer” items and stash them in a cabinet or closet without taking up valuable real estate on your desk or bookshelves. Another tip: put a Post-It note listing what’s in there if you have small items that are tough to see.