Clearly a lot of Americans have rotten brains. New research compiled by the Neilsen media company found that, on average, we spend five hours planted in front of the tube every single day. And if you’re an old geezer, move that number up to seven hours. Monthly, African Americans clock in at 218 hours, Whites: 155.4 hours, Hispanics: 123.2 hours, and Asian Americans: 92.3 hours. In other words, collectively we watch a shitload of television.
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The good news is that when we’re teens the trend drops … but the bad news is that it goes in a consistent upward trajectory as we reach adulthood and beyond.
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Surfing the web takes up another hour. Smartphone usage takes up another 2 hours, and radio listening clocks in at 46 minutes. Basically, all we do is interact with our technology. Makes you upset your read this, huh?