What You Need To Know About Getting Into The Music Industry Post-Pandemic

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There are very few parts of the world that have not been drastically changed by COVID-19. From big business to higher education, it feels like every sector in every industry has had to adapt and adapt quickly. However, things are starting to look a little brighter out there. Yes, the Delta variant numbers are definitely something to worry about, but the vaccine numbers are going up too. We are all trying to find ways to get back to something approaching normal, but in the meantime, we are going to have to live with this strange new normal for a little while longer.

Anyone who has been trying to break into the music industry will tell you that there has never exactly been one set path that is guaranteed to work. It is always a process of trial and error, seeing what positive steps you can take while doing your very best to avoid the major pitfalls. With that being said, there are some things that will give you a better chance of being spotted, or of breaking through. And while the pandemic has created some real challenges for people looking to make their way into the music industry, it has highlighted some of the ways that the doors have been opened wider for everyone. Here are just a few of the things that you need to know.

The Pandemic Is Not Over Yet, So Plan Accordingly

In an ideal world, we would all be living our lives exactly as we did before by this point. However, even though restrictions have been relaxed across the US, we are starting to see a lot more anxiety from the authorities surrounding the rise of the Delta Variant. In New York City, a number of different businesses are asking for proof of vaccination to gain entrance into indoor dining, entertainment and fitness facilities. While the impact on attendance in these places remains to be seen, it is clear that this is an issue that is affecting nightlife. That means that even though live music is coming back, there is almost certainly going to be less reward in terms of money and raising awareness when it comes to performing at a venue.

On the other hand, as music venues closed their doors during the pandemic, we began to see how technology helped music acts continue to connect with their audiences. It wasn’t just small acts taking to livestreams during lockdown. Some of the biggest acts and entertainers in the world realized that we still need to see live music and they hopped online to stream to people all over the globe. If you are just now breaking in, one of the best areas to research will be how video streaming sites can be utilized to bring your act to audiences.

It Is Going To Take Hard Work

Now, this has always been the case. Anyone who has tried to break into the music industry with nothing more than an idea that they would like it to happen for them has never got very far. Hard work has always been one of the biggest factors when it comes to succeeding in the industry, whether you are a performer or someone looking to break into representing acts. With that in mind, one of the most important things that you can do while things are still so uncertain is to do your research.

Get online and do your reading. Find expert advice from people who have been on the same path that you are currently on and have genuine experience that they can draw on. For example, say you want to start your own music label. One of the main things that you need to know is that you will be starting from scratch and there is not going to be very much that comes easily. You are going to have to hustle every step of the way and find opportunities where you can. Check out this guide on how to start a record label from Pirate, which breaks down the key parts of working on a brand. They have a wealth of resources to help people just starting out.

Social Media Is Your Friend

A lot of people who want to get into the music industry find that being active and effective on social media is second nature to them. It helps, of course, that the generation coming through now has only ever known a world where social media is a key element in making or breaking a success story. However, there are some people out there who cling to this old-fashioned notion that social media should not be a part of your journey.

While we would never want to disrespect a punk band for staying off the grid, the fact is that there are very few better means of getting out there and connecting with your potential audience or future business partners. Everyone has been spending much more time online during the pandemic and, given that live music is still in a somewhat precarious position, you need that extra reach. Be prepared to put in the hours online.

Breaking Into The Music Industry Is A Full Time Job

Following on from the above point about how important hard work is, another thing that you need to understand is that breaking into the music industry is not something that you can achieve if you are only devoting a bit of your time on the weekend. This is something that will need as much attention as you can give it.

For example, say you are trying to raise awareness of a music act, either your own or one that you are managing. You might put a video on YouTube that gets a great response and a ton of views. That is great, but do you have something else lined up and ready to go? If you make people wait a month or more, they may not be around to hear it. Things move incredibly quickly online, and you need to be ready to capitalize on success when it happens.